Borderless generation
Latinamerican Art
Exhibition at the Korea Foundation. Seoul, South Korea. / Exhibit at the Korea Foundation. Seoul, South Korea.
Recently I was in Korea to install a selection of pieces from my series FIAT LUX. This exhibition was held during the festival of Latin American art BORDERLESS GENERATION organized by the Korea Foundation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea, with support from Latin American embassies. In my case I was invited and sponsored by the Embassy of Guatemala in Korea. An artist participating countries s. It was very interesting to meet colleagues from El Salvador, Colombia, Panama and Venezuela that we install our reliza work or a performance. I was also invited to give a talk about historical memory in the Center for Peace Museum of Korea in Seoul. also visited near the city of Gonju, an exhumation of political prisoners killed by the South Korean army during the war. They made a statement with my work TO KNOW EVERYTHING.

For everyone to know
room Exposición en la principal de Castel Grande. / Exhibit in the main hall of Castle Grande . Bellinzona, Switzzerland.