Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Allergic Reaction To Floss

Another year ends ... Another little

end is approaching a new year. A 2010 full of acts, events, causality, (no coincidence), promotions, conferences and, above all, the issue of the second part of the trilogy of "The Battle of the Souls", subtitled "Blood is Life" and conclusion of the third part, "Apocalypse", which is what I sent to the Minotaur Awards 2011.

Apart from this, I was able to witness as a short story of mine won an international competition of romantic fiction, made by Pelican Publishing Colombia.

Gone are the interviews on radio programs "for Canary" Lydia Canal in Nine Radio. "Chronicles of San Borondón" de Canarias Radio autonomous and directed and presented José Gregorio González, in addition to others such as the one for the web Fanfiction.es governing Joseph V. Bau. And this can only give a few examples. In all, millions of thanks for their support.

But I want to go further. I confess to the new goals that brings the year is approaching and we now envision as a windmill that deal, like a giant unstoppable approaching this humble gentleman of the lance and without any hack, but a greyhound.

Obviously, apart from being pending resolution of the Minotaur Awards, to be published whether through them or I'll have to find a new publisher, there are other goals that I will fulfill and I have thought to begin in the first quarter of next year.

first thing I'm doing some special touches to the first part of the trilogy, "Let there be Light", from which a digital edition will I myself am about to complete and due out by March 2011. This new version will contain parts that I had to delete a request my former publisher because they occupied much space in the paper. In this case, without limitations, and self-published in E-Book, the new correction of this will work with various parties that include the most important battles that occurred in Elereí during the Great War, as well as a comprehensive detail Elúvaí rebellion. In the part of Lemuria also include chapters were left out and that further refinement narrate the famous Wars Lemuria.

All this will I considered if I edit "Let The Light" in two different books, since the extension will far exceed your expectations, I assure you. If so, "The Battle of the Souls" would be a trilogy to a tetralogy, maintaining the original format of the other two books.

Moreover, I have in hand a collection of short stories of terror and mystery is titled "The Padded Room: Stories and Other Insanity" and prolong the writer and friend Miguel Aguerralde, author of "Knight", "Moonlight" and "The Eyes of God", recently published by the Editorial 23 Steps.

And, in conclusion I will try to give a new novel the end of next year and about what I reveal to keep the secret of what actually goes. Just say you will be entitled "The Concubines of Evil" and is a novel based on real events that occurred in the eighteenth century in a French convent.

Anyway, as you see, I present a much moved in 2011, hoping above all that "The Battle of the Souls III - Apocalypse" see the light, either by winning the Minotaur or by other publishers. Then come back round of lectures, presentations, promotions and other paraphernalia that surrounds this world so hard as in the literature.

I want to thank all who read me and I aguantáis every day through Facebook or Twitter my invitations and my antics.

Those who have bought my books and every day you show me your loyalty, following me wherever I am, (to you I owe you more than anyone).

not want to say goodbye without thanking the invaluable help and friendship of three friends this year have marked my life and the ones I have joined some unbreakable ties (in spite of them, sure will not eager to put up with me).

Rayco Cruz, (friend, bookseller, writer and proofreader of my drafts), are great, Ray. Never thank you enough everything that you are helping me improve as a person and as a writer.

Miguel Agueralde, (friend, teacher and writer). You're a shooting star, Miguel. Barely have time to have a coffee together, but you all an example of humility and honesty.

And finally, Javier Falls, (friend, librarian frustrated, Dalmatians and globetrotting trainer in general). What you do for the community will bear fruit one day, and I'll be there to be the first to stand up and applaud. Too bad you could not go to the latest cultural festivals, but I hope next year to comply, if my schedule permits.

The epilogue of this letter I dedicate it to someone very special to me. She is the creator and guilty that I am now engaged to write and edit books. It is my companion, my fiercest critic, my most loyal friend, my love, my life. Delia. Honey, without you, none of this would exist. I love you.



Sunday, December 19, 2010

Labelling With Diagram Of A Ship


ASSEMBLY In the last union's therapists have seen the case of Mr Wanderley, accused of making illegal medicine.
The videos with the questions of federal police and then the testimony of fellow clients were seen and heard carefully.
We left soon strengthened to know that many people may have perished or below poisoning with treatments that did not have good results ....... Wanderley applied until Homeopathy, sending people to a pharmacy specialist.

See this interesting article

HOMEOPATHY - Iara Vieira - iarasovieira@gmail.com

Homeopathy in Brazil

The Science of Homeopathy was established 200 years ago by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann inspired by the philosophy and thinking of Hippocrates, as a natural resource to balance the body, stimulating the "Way of Natural Healing." To be presented to the medical-scientific community, has been dismissed by one party and caused a big stir in another, due to the cures that the new system produced.

He drove to the doctors and medical schools, but nobody was interested in her. Ostracized from the medical community, homeopathy remained alive, disseminated and promoted by the popular practice. Soon it was considered a healing system of great simplicity. adopted by the people who could use a little common sense and a good book on medical matters for everyone to have access to a safe treatment for simple ailments.

For many years, thousands of people have benefited from Treaties Homeopathic who became the major allies of the families. The Brazilian Medicine Homoeopathy always overlooked is that in Brazil since 1840, introduced by Benoit Mure and rejected by the doctors. Many are his followers and many benefit from their use to maintain their health and their families.

This practice is already part of Brazilian culture imparted by our grandparents who always had secrets about using herbs for teas, infusions and baths, proper nutrition and homeopathic medicine for the balance of the children and grandchildren have always made use of certain homeopathic at certain stages the year, taking advantage of the other phases of the moon, and in possession of such knowledge, kept balanced health of all family members who reached old age.

Since long, there are practitioners who do not have, for the most part, academic. With only a manual on caring for people and Homeopathy, as self-taught, increasingly deepen your knowledge. The right to knowledge is provided by the history of science. Homeopathy has grown and spread throughout Brazil, the use of the people, popular culture, family tradition, for practical and health officer.

There are also counselors who were, pharmacies homeopathic remedy for those who are approaching the counter and asks them some indication. In India there are hospitals where homeopathy is popular used successfully by health workers trained to care for a first aid

As an illustration, let me quote one case a family member who, at birth, seven months premature, underweight and very reduced size, outside The doctors, mother, midwife, granddaughter of Indians and knowledgeable in natural healing methods inherited from their ancestors plows Tribe of Indians, settlers of New South Wales, took his son by saying that since the medicine had thought dead, try everything to save your child by applying all the knowledge he possessed.

accommodated him in a shoe box lined with cotton placing it near the boiler heat the wood stove, kept burning day and night and all day bathed in chicken broth made from chicken fat bird more because the force enter the pores of the soup, the fed breast milk by dropper, herbal medicine and homeopathy.

Boy "vindicated" by becoming strong and healthy, continued the case for homeopathy and herbs, and there is no record of more severe disease, inherited the nickname "the shame of medicine." He died at 96 years of age, slowly, his body was going into bankruptcy and came to natural death.

"Homeopathy is the domain of the people, not allowing anyone legislate who is or is not qualified to practice it. Homeopathy cares for mental symptoms, emotional and energetic, is not intended to treat physical ailments," which is well explained in treatises written by Hahnemann and JT Kent, "the physical symptoms are less hierarchy, these are resolved as a result of treatment of their origin, not as the primary cause of disease."

Nothing distinguishes it from other treatments by natural technique, many of them recognized by the World Health Organization, popularized by the Company and until then not questioned by medical authorities. Only in 1980, through Resolution No. 1000/80, the Federal Council of Medicine and the Brazilian Homeopathic Medical Association recognized as a medical specialty and as such could only be exercised by duly qualified medical professional, recalling also the article number 182 of the Criminal Code, which concerns the use of medical practices by subjecting them to lay legal penalties for "illegal practice".

Remember that Specialty does not mean exclusivity or monopoly, therefore, this resolution does not find support in any area of \u200b\u200blaw to produce effects outside the limits of the field for the Federal Medical Council, which is the medical profession itself.

should remember that after 1980 people started to have the cooperation of doctors, when they had permission from the Federal Council of Medicine and began to specialize in homeopathy, there was no appropriation for Homeopathy Homeopathic Doctors, there was only permitted to to study homeopathy, which is called "specialization." "They specialize not mean to take possession and ownership of science and culture established." (Prof. Casale - Dept. of Plant Science - UFV)

Alongside the people, Homeopathy has been practiced for nearly 150 years for non-medical homeopaths, spirit mediums, healers, biologists, dentists, agronomists, psychologists, health workers, church pastors and community workers.

is established right from the Brazilian people, was the people who kept this medical practice in Brazil, rest assured that there is no federal law that makes the exclusive practice of homeopathy doctors, therefore, its use remains free in Brazil. The knowledge of homeopathy is not unique to any profession.

It is necessary to cut an epistemological reflection on the part of classe medical care for you as homeopaths entendam inseriram na Prática story of this popular, Homeopathy.


When it comes to talking about Homeopathy and / or environments of Traditional or impossible Academic controversy does not arise.

All that we have not trained in the orthodox teaching of medicine must at least rationally question the basis of homeopathic theory, not a "scientific" medicine that can be quantified experimentally. So far right, but this is precisely What doctors do not academicians, question, we've just simply reject out of hand (in most cases unaware of their bases and operations) because they walked away from the academically correct and tax.

I am Bachelor of Medicine, and received, like all my colleagues, the official teachings of the School of Medicine and, like them, I left the College with the prejudice that all "alternative medicines" were but charlatanism and quackery esoteric useful ignorant and gullible people were willing to be deceived. I also

wry grin on my face and outlined a wry smile when someone told me about other healing techniques different from those provided. I also uttered the familiar phrase "This is useless" and "You are kidding, of course not knowing what he was talking, but was convinced he was right.

Now I practice homeopathy, what has happened to me since then until now to undergo a radical change in my approach?

When I finished my degree in Medicine in 1984, left the School without even having heard of the word "homeopathy". At that time the professionals who practiced in Spain are scarce and therefore also its dissemination. The first time someone told me it was in 1987. In my first job coincided with an ATS (Sanitary Technical Assistant) congenial. We talked about many issues and once told me he had made about alternative medicines seminars and described some of the techniques employed. Among them he mentioned one that was based on the therapeutic outcome with the administration of poisons in small doses to people suffering from a disease that courses with the same symptoms that produced the poison and toxic doses (hard) - "A vaccine plant species "- said. That and I forgot and we never talk that topic.

After some weeks, and while rummaging the shelves of medical libraries, I came across a small booklet of only 40 pages whose title was "What is Homeopathy?." I bought it and read it that night. He related how it was invented by a German physician of the seventeenth century. Linking techniques with Hippocratic medicine of ancient Greece and do not know what relationship was with Paracelsus. What there is more exposed I felt like medieval alchemy Medicine. Definitely read confirmed my belief that technology did not work, it was quite impossible that this could cure, and also lambasted Allopathic Medicine (Officer) that I practiced. Homeopathy, which never interested me, was no longer interested.

The following year I signed up for a seminar which focused on a technique that was used in the treatment of osteoarthritis and Aesthetic Medicine, Mesotherapy. One of the sponsors of that meeting was a German Homeopathic lab that distributed among those attending the Handbook of homeopathic remedies. Seminar ended I kept that book in a drawer in my office (there is no book that deserves to be shot) and there I forgot. Introduction

Materia Medica Book Summary. -Homeopathy.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Kidney Stone In Uv Junction


C bout

Harmonizes the NERVE - PROTECTS of fear and anguish


Group: CU Hardness: 2-3 Source Material: Copper.

Colour: red-coppery, reddish-orange.

Locations and found: Peru, Chile, USA, Canada, Scandinavia, Africa.

Beliefs and Myths:
Copper is one of the main metals in human history. Weapons, containers and even money were made of copper. Copper is inseparable from our techno-electronic era. Almost all the electronic facilities are copper. Colleges radiative and curative anti-copper, however, were already known since the Middle Ages.

therapeutic effects on the body:
Copper has great healing qualities of the blood and circulation. Fortalece o sistema imunológico e previne febre, infecções e calafrios. O cobre é um metal forte. que auxilia a mulher durante a menstruação. Harmoniza os centros nervosos do cérebro e auxilia no tratamento de doenças reumáticas da musculatura e das articulações. Também ameniza distúrbios mentais psicossomáticos que. freqüentemente, levam a distúrbios da potência, angústias ou fortes suores noturnos. Além disso, o cobre é um metal muito forte de proteção às radiações da terra e da água.
Pessoas que sofrem de insônia. distúrbios do sono e sensibilidade a mudanças meteorológicas, deveriam usar uma peça de cobre natural no neck or under the mattress.

Suitable for:
Blood, circulation, immune system, fever, infections, chills, bleeding. nerve centers of the brain, rheumatic muscle and joint pain, mental disorders, psychosomatic disorders, anxiety, night sweats, sensitivity to weather changes, earth radiation and water.

therapeutic effects to the psyche:
Copper strengthens the confidence of the user, conveys courage and promotes the power of decision.
People who feel cheated or unsafe should always bring get a nugget of copper.
covers major parts, placed in the home, can bring the whole family aura. Copper cleanses and harmonizes all the chakras. During meditation, the energy penetrates the soul and dissolve blockages. which we now recognize as personal problems and freeing ourselves from them.

Suitable for:

Self-confidence, courage, discretion. harmonization of family, harmonizes all the chakras, cleansing, dissolving blockages, resolve problems

existing forms: crude
Stone, stoned, pendulum, pendant, bead bracelets, rings.

Source: Prevention and healing with stones - Karl Stark-Werner E. Meier
Editora Ltda Robafim. Rio de Janeiro
To learn more about copper and its benefits see:

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Soul Eater Yaoi Doujinshi

Friday, December 3, 2010

Sample Of Welcome Remarks In The Church



And the partner, the friend's colleague academy.
Personal Characteristics - Motivator, vibrant, friendly and empathetic
acts as an independent professional or assignee of services within the company insured the days and times, can be hired exclusively

Goal - Attract and keep as many customers

• Offers - Get stress welcome - support during training - Farewell Relaxing
• Cobra directly to the student who voluntarily accepts service
• Supports the marketing plans of the academy - promotion-products
• It motivates students and supports the work of the coaches - customer loyalty
• Offers different types of therapies
• Attracts customers and invitation to visit the site.
• Teaches courses of different therapies
• provide courses for children and seniors - Vibro Power
• Participates in lectures
• Prepare promotional programs to attract people in quiet times
• Additional courses and seminars in public speaking and leadership for Dynamus
strengthen students' personality
• Supports the creation of new services and activities such as: sauna, tourism.
• Promote social and work activities such as: fair, bazaar, hike, social work.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Figure 8 Power Cable Polarized

edited ...

few months ago I participated in the International Competition of Romantic Tales of Pelican Publishing, Colombia. Yesterday I was pleased to learn that my minirelato was chosen from the winners and has been published in the book "Memories of Love and Other Stories , which sets out the other winning entries from the contest.

Interestingly, right now I am immersed in writing an anthology of short stories, horror and mystery, yes, entitled "The Padded Room: An Anthology of Stories and Other Insanity" . I still have many stories to finish, but I hope to be completed in the first half of next year.

Thanks to everyone for your support because, thanks to that, (and thanks to God), we are reaping the fruits of that effort, and this is a credit to all, your, him, and mine.

A big hug.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Skeeter Boats Seat Replacements

As the story is not over, far from it ...

thought that after finishing the trilogy of "The Battle de las Animas "I would relax and rest for a few months, since we could finish it has been one of the toughest challenges of my life and has brought countless hours of work and research, apart from having to squeeze my brain to levels that seemed I was going to explode. However, just a month after it is completed and awaiting the results of the Minotaur Awards 2011, which will for the first quarter of next year, I started to immerse myself again among the letters and the screen computer and have begun to give way to three projects. One of them entirely new, and two others who were always there, but he had to wash the face and complete.
As many of you know, "The Cave of the Runes" was my first work without editing, I wrote back in 1999. Now I'm restoring and providing a better way, given the experience I have gained as a writer since then and I can see where mistakes and errors before I saw only words. Other than that, I am also compiling and completing an anthology of poems, reflections and short stories which I hope will post on how it ends.
Finally, the third project is my fourth novel, which I will not give more clues to be a historical novel based in the seventeenth century and the French Inquisition. In
Finally, as you see, I have finally been caught by the literary withdrawal and I can not but express thousands of ideas on paper, so that one day we can enjoy and share discussions about them, as we have done my other two books.
Thanks to all who have supported me.
A hug

Monday, November 15, 2010

Trading Pokemon On Mac


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kates Playground Pink

"I also met in Jerusalem to a virgin dressed in sack for six years and were detained at home, never allowing anything which could foster the pleasure.
But later, abandoned by God because of his pride and arrogance, unfortunately fell, sinking into the vices of the flesh. One day he opened his window and into his room and insisted that he sinned with him.
had not really practiced the ascetic life by supernatural motives, that is, for God's sake, but for human display, which is a sign of pride and twisted intent. Indeed castigated his neighbor, seeing the speck in your neighbor's eye and not repairing the beam itself, which was no longer to himself the guardian angel of chastity "
Palladium. Lausiac History.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Template Of Ontario Drivers Licence


We conducted a social action campaign aimed
to seniors, mainly traders
the center of the city.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Honeyrose Cigarettes Toronto, On


and Dental Amalgam Mercury Poisoning

Marly Santiago

Since contact with orthomolecular medicine and especially after the lessons it took in German biological medicine, have evolved to understand the impact that dental amalgam usually bring to their patients. With the tools we now possess to assess this impact, the dosages of chemical sophisticated atomic spectrometry and assessments by EDS (Voll, Vegatest), and the thousands of cases successfully treated, can no longer be arguing, as does the majority of Brazilian dentists, that amalgam is harmless. I say to the dentists, the only mercury that does not injure the body, is that they put in their amalgams. Simply because they ask for a dose of mercury in urine or hair from their patients so they can see that the body is overwhelmed by this heavy metal. I say, are themselves (dentists) who are more susceptible to poisoning by mercury vapor inhalation during the removal of amalgam

Any doctor knows averagely informed of the devastating effects that heavy metals brought to the body. Mercury seriously affects the nervous system, kidney, connective tissue, etc.. Hundreds of doctors who take seriously the risks of dental amalgam, has managed to deliver a large number of patients with degenerative conditions like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, collagen diseases, and migraines, endocrine, and a large number of functional changes through the removal of the amalgam and mercury detoxification.

The dentists can no longer be hidden behind the so-called advantage dentistry amalgam and support técnicopoliticoinstitucional the American Association of Dentists (ADA) has offered. In the first case, the quality of a material under the terms of dentistry, you can not take precedence over their toxicity. In the second case, we know that the uncompromising defense of amalgam by the ADA is actually a defensive action, because we can calculate the consequences for American dentists, the ADA case will admit that amalgam is really a toxic material, capable of causing disease such as those listed above. It would be a nightmare. Thousands of people enter compensation claims.

Today there is plenty of anti-amalgam literature. Countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Germany, already prohibit their use. Still, many dentists continue deploying this material without seeking to inquire about the work of their colleagues to show the serious risks posed by this material.

dental amalgam fillings in some countries calls for fillings "silver", contains 50% mercury. In chemistry, the mercury is called the Latin word hydrargyrum Hg. Mercury is the only metal that evaporates at room temperature. The mercury is mixed with other metals such as silver, tin, copper and sometimes zinc and form a solution that hardens quickly. The amalgam is a solid solution (mixture) and not a chemical compound.

Today we have members from all sectors of society, including dentistry, medicine and various scientific sectors. Our members have reported for over 10 years experience of their symptoms, treatments, and dental materials. Our member dentists, doctors and scientists have provided ideas, reports of investigations and proposed practices for the rehabilitation of individuals with amalgam poisoning.

We now have considerable experience and can provide some guidance to people suspect they were poisoned by their dental amalgam fillings. The term

amalgam poisoning is more relevant than the term mercury poisoning, because the amalgam contains not only mercury but also copper, tin, silver and sometimes zinc.

mercury is by far the most toxic component of the amalgam, but the other components can contribute to lead poisoning. The copper and tin is significantly toxic reactions can cause the immune system. Tin is transformed into organic tin compounds highly toxic in the environment and the same process may occur in the human body. Silver is highly toxic to bacteria. Their intestinal bacteria are exposed daily to a lot of both silver and mercury, which was found to induce bacterial resistance to metals as well to antibiotics.

An experienced practitioner can give you good care, but while the cause of the disease - dental amalgam fillings - stay on your teeth, most drugs only relieve the symptoms without curing the disease. They may, however, alleviate some problems during removal of amalgam and make life bearable.

can be expected to increase their symptoms during the removal of amalgam. Every time that a shutter is removed you will be exposed to mercury. The degree of reaction depends very much on the precautions taken by the dentist. The end result, however, is remarkably positive. The health of most patients will improve significantly. If the amalgam removal is not performed with the necessary precautions, there may be no recovery.

mercury poisoning causes a disease polysymptomatic. If you have only one or some of the symptoms described below, these can be caused by mercury, but other factors could also be responsible. Think back and try to remember how and when their problems began on possible links with dental treatment and changes in your life. You also may be exposed to mercury from other sources other than amalgam fillings. The more you are exposed at home or at work?

Your chances will improve considerably if you:

choose materials that are less toxic

can find a dentist with the proper protective equipment

change your fillings in the minimum recommended

regularly take their antioxidants

follow other steps recommended in this booklet


mercury amalgam enters the body through inhalation of vapor, to swallow pieces worn amalgam through the absorption of metal vapor and dissolved by the oral mucosa and direct migration through the tooth into the tissue. Mercury, especially in the form of steam, is distributed across all parts of your body, affecting important cellular functions such as: cell metabolism, the salt balance between the inner walls and external cell as well as many important functions of enzymes.

The effects of brief exposure to high doses of mercury, as well as prolonged daily exposures to small amounts, have been documented for centuries. The amalgam poisoning is often caused by chronic exposure since childhood and even before (prenatal exposure) and exhibitions related to additional, more intensive placement or removal of amalgam. And complementing, almost all people have had contact with various compounds of mercury in vaccines (as preservatives), medicines (obsolete) in broken thermometers, paintings, etc..

Avoid medications, contact lens solutions, etc.. Containing mercury (eg merthiolate or thimerosal as a preservative). Be wary when you read the fine-mer-or hydrarg. Know the medicines Orientals, the homeopathic and chemicals can also contain mercury.

Over time, the individual will develop an increased hypersensitivity to mercury. Dental work, such as a golden crown placed on top of an amalgam restoration (severe corrosion!), Can accelerate serious health problems.

The most prominent symptoms, as well as the type of specialist consulted, usually determine the patient's medical diagnosis - if there will be a diagnosis. The other symptoms that do not fit within the standard, will be ignored and the patient usually hesitate to mention them. If you describe about 30 symptoms, which is not an unusual amalgam poisoning, you will usually be regarded as a mental patient. You're not! Are you suffering from a chronic poisoning by mercury. Exposure to mercury causes psychiatric symptoms in conjunction with various other problems. Suicidal thoughts are not uncommon. These are caused by mercury and aggravated by the negative attitude towards the patient.

The variety of symptoms is typical for a mercury poisoning. There may be other substances in the environment that may cause the same kinds of symptoms, should be considered especially metals such as lead, cadmium, copper, iron, aluminum or solvents.

However, the likelihood that mercury poisoning from amalgam is the cause of their problems is great if:

your mouth is full of fillings,

you have amalgam with gold,

treatments have channels with metal studs,

have health problems that may be related to dental work

Common symptoms:

Muscle aches and joint pain

Exhaustion, fatigue

Dizziness, vertigo

Headaches, migraine

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Blurred vision Double vision

pressure in the eye

Boca ignited, burning

Changes Changes cardiac memory

Difficulty breathing


Depression Suicidal tendencies Difficulty concentrating


Sore throat pain

Restlessness Nervousness Insomnia


metallic flavor



Infections intestinal



Toothache and jaw muscles weak

Allergy Asthma


poor coordination and eye muscles

Nausea Numbness, tingling sensation


fluctuation of blood pressure


Burning sensation

acute pain attacks of chills


Excessive Sweating
Drooling / Dry Mouth

Weight Loss

swollen lymph glands, sensitive

menstrual disorders Hair loss

fever / chronic unstable temperature

Disorders the senses of taste and smell

Thyroid disorders

A special problem is that some people poisoned by amalgam develop a remarkable sensitivity to electromagnetic fields and often the fluorescent lamps. Certain heavy metals like mercury increase the effects of various types of radiation and can cause skin sensitivity to light.

The problem is probably more linked to the formation of free radicals (see the chapter on free radicals). Antioxidants and the removal of amalgam (and all metals in the mouth!) Usually help, but the allergy is an electrical the most persistent problems. It seems that it decreases very slowly.

Know that pulsed magnetic fields induce currents symmetrical non-corrosive in amalgam fillings and raise considerably the release of mercury from fillings. A computer terminal produces such pulses.

Certain chronic conditions also may be caused by a virus, infections transmitted by ticks, by genetic defects or nutritional deficiencies. The deficiency or increased need for vitamins and micronutrients may be offset by increased administration. Knowing exactly what is the shortage is complicated and often impossible. The solution is to increase the administration in general. Most vitamins are not toxic, even at high doses. The only exceptions are vitamins A, D and K.

If you have not been subjected to a thorough medical exam, you should consult a doctor so that other possible dangerous diseases can be excluded. The doctor may prescribe drugs that may be helpful.

You should not accept medical diagnoses that do not define anything. Most diagnoses are just names for collections of symptoms that occur together and that are also common in other patients. An infection by a virus or a specific vitamin deficiency diagnoses are true. The rheumatism, migraine or psychosomatic problems, for example, are diagnoses that tell you nothing about the true cause of disease. We have had numerous patients with these diagnoses who responded positively to the removal of amalgam.

Experiments show that the above mentioned symptoms tend to decrease after removal of amalgam. Experience in other countries is identical. The same symptoms are caused by mercury in industry and the use of mercury drugs in early.

In general, individuals often poisoned by mercury given a wrong diagnosis.


The primary symptoms of mercury poisoning are vague psychic symptoms. Recent memories disappear. You will find it difficult to concentrate on tasks requiring attention and reflection. It is easier to perform tasks that are less well known than learning something new. You avoid social contacts which demand that you leave your introverted behavior. You easily lose his cool and switches between different states of mind for no apparent reason.

Shortly before long, a more physical kind of exhaustion will be added to this condition. More and more efforts are needed to initiate activities. You become clumsy in their craft and sometimes break things due to the inability to coordinate their movements with their visual impressions (ataxia). Occasional headaches, minor involuntary muscle spasms or spasms in muscle groups may also appear. Hands and feet become easily cold, attacks can occur dizzy or lightheaded and periodically may encounter difficulties in focusing your eyes and see clearly.

Joint pain and muscles, stiffness, lumbago and similar symptoms often appear at an early stage. They can be caused or developed by low levels of micronutrient selenium. Cardiac changes, sometimes accompanied by a weak pulse, sometimes by a strong pulse, creates a feeling of anxiety. You do not sleep well, you wake up stiff and never feel rested. In total, you have the need to sleep more than before, and you're constantly tired.
The more intoxicated you are, the more serious and chronic problems become yours. The pituitary gland is affected, what many often leads to frequent urination.
When the thyroid gland is affected, there may be side effects on metabolism. Both glands accumulate mercury. Neurological symptoms such as numbness, hypersensitivity and paralysis worsen. It is often difficult to determine if the cause is in the nervous system or circulatory system.


If you suffer from one or only some of the symptoms mentioned, mercury poisoning is less likely. On the other hand, if you have several of the symptoms described and many amalgam fillings in your mouth, the probability of a mercury poisoning is considerably higher. The link between dental work and the symptoms can serve as your guide. Even if the diagnosis is vague and based on a set of probabilities, the patient will quickly discover if it is on track when removing amalgam or gold amalgam +.

Removal of amalgam can be considered as a test of provocation, because it is often followed by worsening symptoms. The reaction may not occur if the dentist is extremely careful and provide good protection measures.

Severe cases can hardly be wrong. Often There is a direct link in time between symptom development and application of Gold + amalgam of studs in canals, bridges over the gold amalgam and polishing of amalgam fillings. Unfortunately there is still no single method of laboratory analysis, such as a blood test for diagnosing mercury poisoning. Analyses are still being developed.

The same applies to almost all types of poisoning. If there are symptoms indicating intoxication, and a history of exposure to a toxic product that could be causing this, it is certainly more likely that the cause is poisoning than anything else.
The most important point is to prevent additional exposures to toxic product as quickly as possible.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Used Skate Sharpening Machines


The next day, November 6, at 19 hours, will be presenting my books on the I Film and Literature Fantasy and Horror, starlings, 2010, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

next to me will Rayco Cruz, presenting "The Shadow of Pranthas" Carlos González Sosa, with "The Land of Meed I and II" and Miguel Aguerralde, with "Knight."

The event will be from day 4 to day 7 and will be a thousand different activities that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Hope to see you there!!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

How Long Does Fatigue Last Candida

Startings 2010 Radio Interview on Nine

Here you have the interview I conducted on "On the Canary" directed by Lydia Nine Channel Radio Las Palmas. It was very entertaining and highly professional. Thanks to the entire program team, starting with the drafting of Yurena Rivero and Lydia's own address.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Lyme Disease Migraine

Venerable Pelagia the Penitent

St. Pelagia the Penitent was converted to Christianity by St. Nono,
Bishop of Edessa (Saturday of the Week Cheese). Before
acceptance of Christianity through Baptism, Pelagia was the head of a group dance in Antioquia
Palestine, living a life of frivolity and

One day, Pelagia, elegantly dressed, was making his way along
a church where St. Nonnus was preaching a sermon. The believers will
turned their backs on the sinner, but Bishop looked at her. Impressed by the beauty
outside Pelagia and foresaw
spiritual greatness within it, the saint was praying in his cell for a long time the Lord is
the sinner. He told his fellow bishops that the prostitute
ashamed at all. Explained that he took great care to decorate your body
to look beautiful in the eyes of men. "We ... we do not care about the ornament
our miserable souls," he said.

next day, when San Nono was teaching in the church on the
Case Judgement and its consequences, Pelagia came.
education made a tremendous impression on her. With the fear of God and crying tears of repentance
, asked the saint for baptism.
seeing his sincere repentance and complete, the bishop baptized Nono.

At night the devil appeared to Pelagia, urging her to return to his former life
. The saint prayed, crossing himself with the Sign of the Cross, and the devil disappeared

Three days after his baptism, St. Pelagia
objects gathered his courage and took the bishop Nono. The bishop ordered
were distributed among the poor, saying: "Let this be wisely dispersed, so that these riches
obtained by sin, to become
wealth for justice." After that Santa Pelagia traveled to Jerusalem to the Mount of Olives
. He lived in a cell, disguised as the monk Pelagius, who
ascetic living in isolation, and reaching great spiritual gifts. When
died, was buried in his cell.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Shower To Tub Grout Tape


"The simplicity and regularity are the best guides to find our way. They allow us to make the discipline of solitude such an important part of our daily lives as eating and sleeping. When this happens, our concerns are hogging slowly losing its power over us and renewing activity of God's Spirit manifests its presence gradually. " Henri Nouwen

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Online Driving Test Simulator

... and bunting, red ,...¿ ... this story is over? ... Interview

almost two years ago I embarked on this adventure.
long, is not it?
It was a hard work to write and give shape to this trilogy is almost complete. Days of no sleep, days away from who I love most in this world, days of sacrifice and hours of work, invisible to you, but that weigh heavily on my shoulders.
Now once work is completed, or almost, I can only think of the future that awaits me after "The Battle of the Souls." Will I continue writing? "," Continue editing?. Or maybe not. Maybe I just write for myself, my wife, who has always been my particular criticism. I do not know ... yet. Years beginning and ending
manuscripts and stories, poems and reflections that eventually take the path that began on 9 January 2009, when I started writing the first draft of "Let The Light."
Many say they have given way to a new universe, in time, seize the minds of thousands of avid readers who discover between the pages of my book a depth rarely seen in recent years. However, for me, I have only given the opportunity to enjoy something that had for years around in my head and was not able to achieve interlocking to shape a novel. Finally I got it. Back
be many interviews, conferences and promotional events, more or less successful in affluence and in hearing, but who cares. All this falls into the trunk of my memories, my experiences as a person and my life experience, which I hope to pass on to the next generation.
I will not tell you strange stories about my situation as author novels. I'm not a writer of best sellers, and frankly, in part I'm happy for that. I know that I have read and that you will read the last part of the trilogy, but readers are friends. Friends who will always carry in my heart for trusting me as an author and have been part of this universe that I created for you and that you enjoyed reading it, as I do writing it. Within a few days
write the final chapter of "The Battle of the Souls III-Apocalypse." It will be a very special moment. Many things left behind and many others appear to me. Perhaps, when done writing the last paragraph of the book, is that my way of saying "soon", or maybe not. Only "Elu" knows if we'll meet later in a new literary adventure. I just hope
, who I have read, that one day contéis to your children one day, some time ago, I brought a canary writer a bit of his fantasies and dreams of your libraries ... and stay there forever .
A big hug to everyone.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

File Weekly Certification On Sunday

Thy will! Symbols

Put everything in it with great fervor. In the dark, unknown will of your Lord. Out there, such a man should never chase anything or wanting in some way stand or activity, neither this nor that, or this state or the other. Just simply abandoned the unknown will of God. John Tauler

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Soccer Players With Headbands

Thus the symbol, in its deepest reality, bears witness to the presence of the divine, draw a circle around the sacred and this fact is comparable to a revelation. The man feels like a more or less ineffable experience of the divine that takes different forms depending on the point of the trajectory on which the symbols are located and spiritual level man who becomes the subject of that experience. Marie-Madeleine Davy

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Horizon Centurion Dental Plan

Chronicles of San Borondón "de Canarias Autonomous

Good morning to all / as! Picad
this link and you can hear the entire program including the extensive interview I did in the program. Hope you like it.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

Exercise Genital Herpes Outbreak


Macrina The last prayer before he died was: "You, Sir, I have removed the fear of death. I know that we are the clay, and now you him back to earth. But after make this mud put on immortality. "
the death of the nuns wept, saying, "has extinguished the light of our eyes ...".
Among the nuns know the names of the deaconess Lampadion, who was choir master. And Veciana, a noble widow that shrouded.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Get Toxoplasmosis More Than Once

Anxiety Amma Mary Syriac

and Trouble hurry, some general concerns, are a sign of anxiety, which from the inside, is guiding our actions.
Anxiety shows unequivocally the presence of a movement encouraging personal appetite.
No hurry, act with depth, as if the liturgy is concerned.
Doing well what we do is valuable offering to God and others and raises our spirit.

From Blog "The Jesus Prayer"

Monday, September 6, 2010

Inkcentric Tattoo And Body Piercing Studio

Radio interview on the radio.

I invite you to interview me made in the "Chronicles of San Borondón" directed by José Gregorio González. It will be the 10th of September at 23 hours and you can hear on the dials that you will find on this link or via the Internet.
dials to tune in Canary Where:

Friday, September 3, 2010

Contraindications Of Ativan And Clonidine

Book Exchange ...

Dear friends. Due to external advice and opinions, and most qualified people, I feel obliged to comment that the novel which I will present to the Minotaur Prize competition 2011 will be the third installment of this trilogy that many of you and you have captured . I'm working hard ... not disappointed with the last delivery. Sure exceed your expectations. Thank you very much for your support. Velesaí Brothers and Sisters!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010