The measurement of the wrist in traditional Chinese medicine, TCM, is an examination or assessment of available energy of the meridians, by palpation of the arteries, which in Chinese medicine has a key role. It is this touch in a certain segment of the radial artery at the wrist. This observation of the pulse, assesses the state of energy balance organs of the patient.
A wide range of interpretations, since this is a great palpation nuance of difference between them. The Chinese pulsologia
complete sets three levels of observation in the radial artery pulse. The data obtained in the assessment are included in the diagram of the five elements and only that will be obtained from this overview of the balance patient's energy.
Francisco Alves Mourão Neto (Long Fu Master and Dragon), a professor at the Postgraduate Course of the Universidade Castelo Branco (UCB) in "Five Elements Theory Pulsologia or Simplified Chinese" quotes:
"Measuring the energy that comes from beats is the meridian energy information (oral information). "
According to traditional Chinese medicine, qi flows along an invisible network of channels called meridians, connecting all the organs and body systems. Any blockage or imbalance in this network cause physical or mental illness. The aim of Diagnosis in TCM is to identify any sign of disturbance, blockage or imbalance in the meridians or trajectory of qi energy, so that we can apply the appropriate treatment.
In pulse diagnosis, you take at least a dozen different pulses that correspond to major organs and body systems. Each pulse is interpreted in terms of twenty-eight different qualities or descriptions, such as fast, slippery, rough, full, empty and sparse. Based on these interpretations and the strength or weakness of each pulse, the points are located where the imbalances of energy in motion. It is further understood that the pulses are affected by factors unrelated to the "diseases" such as time of day, season, nervousness and physical effort, among others.
The Ayurvedic Pulsologia
The Traditional Indian Medicine is one of the oldest diagnostic features of all time. The pulse is an ayurvedic technique that requires great sensitivity in its decision and its interpretation.
For medicine according to Ayurveda, it takes several years of improvement methods of interpretation of the wrist.
Ayurvedic Pulse is able to reveal the terms of the distribution of vital energy or pranic energy throughout the body, and the situation of the three doshas, \u200b\u200bie, the biological humors, vata, pitta and kapha, which are the three humors or the physical constitution governing the balance of body, mind and spirit of all human beings.
In taking the pulse, presses three different points of the radial artery. For men it uses the right arm and the left for women. Aligning the three toes and pushing each alternately, sit the three different pulses. Gently pressing the pulse is vata, pitta pulse moderately, deeper and stronger or kapha.
vata pulse is rapid, irregular, undulating and is symbolized by the serpent, the pitta pulse is fast, strong and vibrant, symbolized by the frog, and finally the kapha pulse is strong, slow and slippery and is symbolized by the swan.
addition to your basic beat, each person may vary according to age, emotional conditions, time of day, season, temperature, type of recent meal, among other implications. The skilled therapists are able to discover the smallest details the past, so as to determine important prognostic prediction of the patient's energy imbalance.
Deepak Chopra, one of the leading experts in Vedic Medicine, states:
"How are closely linked, the three doshas move together, the doshas are connected endlessly in the tide of constant energy of living things."
In Ayurvedic view, balancing the three doshas or vital energy or pranic result in health.
Bioenergetics is the study of the transformation of the energy body and its laws. Bioenergetics reproduces the image of bioenergy and its transformations related to biological phenomena using physical laws and principles. The
pulsologia shows the evolution of vital energy in progress in human physical body.
With the techniques described above it is possible through massage, rings, needles, postures, meditations, interiorizações, exercise, yoga, help to maintain the vital balance of all individuals undergoing these treatments.
Bioenergy has the greatest importance for the stability and functionality of living beings. The bioenergetic therapies work to restore the self-regulating organism and aspects physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the whole human being.