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Friday, February 26, 2010

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Massage Tui-Ná
The Tui Na is a truly relaxing massage! Practiced not only in the East as in ancient Greece, the Tui Na was used to cure and alleviate many problems, while the body completely relaxed. Acting as an important aspect in terms of health in China, Tui Na massage is much more than an instinctive communication between the patient and the person doing the massage. Initially, this practice served to assist more dubious field of healing problems, often linked to false healers, some time after the Tui Na was explored in therapy reaching, including academic studies.

This practice is being taught in 1956, is today one of the areas of treatment of Chinese Therapy Center. The benefits of this art are broad and proven, has no side effect, is effective in combating and preventing diseases, and there are also those who believe that this massage is a means to live longer. Moreover, this massage hands are the channel transmitter of energy, and it is through them that the healing emotionally and physically. It relaxes the body and mind, and relieve daily stress of being human. People with problems circulation, hypertension, insomnia, or headaches, may leave the massage with an enormous sense of well being and relaxation.

Problems of internal organs, overweight, nervous disorders, paralysis, among many other problems, are a few of the benefits of Tui Na, and much of these advantages only achieved when there is a combination of this therapy with other methods of medicine . Patients undergoing a few sessions, varying the number of these depending on the person's problem, each session approximately 20 minutes. The hands begin to discover every corner of the inner body, and from there are small problems that are causing the negative feelings that the patient has been suffering.

The Tui Na massage act on the nervous system, reproductive, digestive, circulatory, bringing benefits to skin tissues, the bloodstream, and the entire bone structure. Thus, all the emotional health, mental and physical, the individual ends up inside out with this massage. Because this kind of massage not only act at the level of muscles, turns out to be one of the most widely explored and studied in China, which many people resort. In reality, anyone can enjoy this kind of massage or sportsman is, or has to be sitting all day, with a computer in front. In either case the pains in muscles and relaxation are easily eliminated with the Tui Na.

More than a set of technical manuals, Tui Na is intended to balance the energy flow of the body: give vent to their flow, if in small amounts, 'cut it', if in excess or toning it if it is weakened. And, just from the energy balance that can reach full health in all its aspects. Recent studies have proved that this therapy is also very positive effects on function recovery tendons, bones and ligaments, the movement of fluids and blood.

Possible signs and indications of a future problem, which demonstrates your body, but the patient still does not see, can be easily detected and eliminated with the Tui Na massage. Thus, this practice serves not only as a method to alleviate problems as well as a formula to prevent future illnesses. The Tui Na soothes and calms the mind and body, effectively helping people suffering from depression or some form of anxiety. In short, the great advantage of the Tui Na massage is to find the embryo from the problem and for their healing! The energy, the welfare and happiness invade your body after a massage, Tui Na.

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and better Excellent article, written by a doctor. Congratulations Dr. Alexandre Feldman!

Doctors, even today, when they form, make an oath, the Hippocratic Oath. It is true that in countries like Brazil the Hippocratic oath is merely symbolic (as we shall see, is not obliged to the Hippocratic Oath in its entirety to become a doctor in Brazil). Anyway, the Hippocratic Oath is among the most famous of all ancient Greek texts.

Physicians, on graduation day, they think that the Hippocratic oath, albeit symbolically.
this document, kept by the National Library of Medicine in the United States, the Hippocratic Oath is in Greek on the left column, with translation into Latin in the right column. Hippocrates. Euriskomena Ta ... Opera omnia ... (Francofurti: Apud Andreae Wecheli Heredia, 1595). It is estimated that the original text of the oath was written in the 4th century BC.
think they do. For indeed, much of the original text of the Hippocratic Oath is simply "cut." Omitted. That part, almost always, the doctor knows, it is not taught to him. Not disclosed.

Let's take a look at the original text, loosely translated by me, below.

I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, Higéia, Panacea, and all the gods and goddesses as my witnesses, according to my ability and trial, keep this Oath and this contract:
I'll cherish the same affection I have for that individual to my parents who taught me this art, be it a partner in life and fulfill their needs when required; considers his children as equal to my own brothers, and teach them this art if they want to learn it, without fee or contract, and that through the rules, classes and all other methods of instruction predetermined convey a knowledge of art to my own children and the children of my teachers, and students attached to this contract and that I take this oath to the law of medicine, but not to others.
regimes also prescribe lifestyle that benefit my patients according to my best ability and trial AND I WILL NOT CAUSE THEM BADLY or cause them to abuse.
I will not give lethal drug to anyone if I requested it, or advising such a procedure, and similarly, do not give a woman a pessary that will cause a miscarriage.
In purity and according to divine law, fulfill my life and my art.
I will not use the knife, not even those suffering from calculations, but leave that task for those who were trained in this art.

In whatever house I go, I will come for the benefit of the patient avoiding any voluntary act of impropriety or corruption, including the seduction of women or men, be they free or slaves.

Anything I see or hear in the lives of my patients, whether in connection with my professional practice or not, and are unsuited to be commented on the outside, I'll keep secret, considering all these things as proprietary.
As long as I maintain this Oath faithfully and without corruption, I may be permitted to share fully in the life and practice my art, gaining the respect of all men for all time. However, if I transgress and violate this Oath, may the opposite be my destiny.

us now examine the contents of the Hippocratic Oath.

Early on, the oath invokes a series of characters from Greek mythology (and later Roman). And it is about these characters that the doctor is swearing. See why this makes sense:
Even today, when he takes an oath, swear to be always something or someone, or something that represents something sacred. And that someone is almost always an ancestor (alive or dead) or a divine entity. Commonly heard today: - "I swear by the soul of ..." (deceased ancestors) or - "I swear by my mother" (ancestral vivo), or even - "I swear to God" (one of the sacred character). In U.S. courts, the defendant and witnesses swear by the Bible (which represents the sacred to the Judeo-Christian). But the Hippocratic Oath can cover everything: invoking characters from Greek mythology, Etruscan and Roman, are actually being invoked our ancestors from time immemorial, the cradle of Western civilization, to whom we owe not only our heritage, but also knowledge and that in turn created these mythological characters (gods, so sacred to our remote ancestors) through their experience and wisdom for a long, long time ago. These characters were always symbolic and represented a series of phenomena so far unexplained by logic.

Thus, the word Apollo (in Greek it is pronounced something like Apollon) gives rise to the words redeem / save / rescue (ἀπόλυσις) and purification (ἀπόλουσις). Apollo is a mythological character, the son of Zeus (king of the Olympian gods). Apollo is one of the most important gods of Olympus, being known as the god of light and the sun, truth and prophecy, medicine and healing arts, poetry and music, among other things. Medicine and healing were associated with Apollo, and also through the mediation of his son, Asclepius.

While Apollo had a number of areas, Asclepius (which in Greek is pronounced something like Asclepius) (Asklepios) was God, specifically, medicine and healing in the ancient Greek mythology.

His mother, Coronis, was killed while still pregnant with Asclepius, having been unfaithful to Apollo, but his son was rescued alive from her womb. So named Asclepius, which means something like "open with a court." The Romans translated to Asclepius Asclepius (Aesculapius).
Words scalpel (scalpel sinônomimo) and scalpel (scalpel in English) are not coincidental. Asclepius was the god-specific medicine, healing, renewal, and also doctors. Several regions of ancient Greece had shrines dedicated to Aesculapius, including the island of Kos, where Hippocrates, the legendary Greek physician, had started his career. The ancestors of our Western civilization wandered in weight, when ill, to these temples of healing. Aesculapius is symbolized by a bat wrapped by a snake. In honor of Asclepius, during the rituals of healing, many nonpoisonous snakes were left wriggling on the floor of rooms inhabited by the sick and wounded.

Higéia, in Greek mythology, the daughter of Asclepius. If, on the one hand, Aesculapius was associated with recovery and healing, the figure of Higéia (Ὑγεία) was associated with prevention of illness and continued good health. She was the goddess of health, cleanliness and sanitation. His name gave rise to the word hygiene.
Higéia Statue at the Institute of History Former University of Innsbruck (Austria)
Many statues and monuments in Greece depict Higéia holding a circular receptacle that receives the name of patera, surrounded by a docile snake and is about to feed on its contents. The serpent symbolically represents the patient who is about to share the treatment, while it is taking control over their own well-being to make the right choices.

The Meaning of the Serpent: The Serpent

is related to an ancient Greek belief further, that the snakes would own great wisdom and capacity for regeneration and healing (snakes shed their skins "renew itself"). It was believed that the dead were "down to the bottom of the earth in a place like a dream, called Hades (which is neither good nor bad). Snakes keep contact with the dead, and could even carry the souls of ancestors who return from the bottom to help the living. The idea that snakes have wisdom comes precisely from the belief that they carried the spirit of our deceased ancestors.
Panacea (Greek Πανάκεια) Higéia's sister, so the daughter of Aesculapius and granddaughter of Apollo. Panacea is a goddess of healing. Note that Apollo was also god of healing, among other things. Turns out Panacea and her five sisters, had, each one specific facet of the art of Apollo: Panacea, healing; Higéia, prevention; Meditrina, longevity Alge, natural beauty, And Akesa (or Lit), recovery . Panacea had a potion, with which healed the sick. Hence arose the term panacea, used today to describe a medicine capable of curing many diseases, or "universal remedy" that will solve all ills.
And that is how the Hippocratic Oath begins with the solemn invocation: "I swear by Apollo the Physician, and Aesculapius, Higéia and Panacea, and as witnesses all the gods and goddesses ..."

wonder: is it does not have a strong symbolic meaning to the present day, connecting us with the 'forces' (still not fully explained) that govern our most sacred possession - our health? Does this not represent a formal commitment with the whole legacy of our civilization and knowledge?
The doctor swears in first place, be fundamentally grateful to the Master who taught this art, and to consider the children of their Master as their own brothers.

With regard to their patients, the physician swears, before anything else, treat them with guidance in lifestyle that will bring them benefits. Yes - the same lifestyle! The original Greek text speaks of prescription diaita; note in line 16 of the document above. Unlike the modern meaning of "diet", the word diaita not related only to dietary habits, but to exercise, work habits, mental health, sexual behavior, sleep patterns, personal hygiene etc.. In translation latina herein, we find the word Victus. Victus also means lifestyle, lifestyle, better known beyond the meaning it has (of supplies, nutrition, food). Victus quoque rationem is written: "Lifestyle also prescribe."

The Hippocratic Oath continues: then the doctor swears it will not cause harm to their patients, and swears he will not give them lethal drug under any circumstances.
Any bull of any drug will immediately confirm: can they can do harm. Indeed, they may do more harm than good.

oath says: (...) And I WILL NOT CAUSE THEM EVIL (...).
That is, before anything else, the doctor must not cause, EVER, a harm to their patients.
But what are euphemistically called "collateral damage", but harm caused by drugs?

And yet it is perfectly acceptable to us, doctors prescribe drugs that a patient may cause them damage the kidneys, or asthma, obesity, anorexia, hair loss, decreased libido, allergies, liver failure gastritis, ulcer, fibrosis, heart problems, pressure ... finally, damage to the body which may be higher than the very disease for which patients are taking these drugs!
Clearly these drugs - which by the way, do not cure the disease - not necessarily mean that they cause such side effects. But that risk is acceptable?

One can even find it acceptable. Someone, for example, in pain for quite some time (eg, headache chronic migraine), someone in utter despair, the search for a solution - whatever it is. Someone who "topasse everything," even the possibility of side effects worse than the disease itself.
But this time we must remember another thing: ALL drugs are losing their effect over time.
Conclusion: In addition to running a risk of getting sick more, or even lose their lives because of side effects of drugs, it is certain that these drugs over time, lose their "beneficial" effect.
A real lose-lose situation. You lose on all sides.
And even though the chances of a drug causing death or irreparable harm would be one in a million, what good if that person were you? Does this statistic serve as a consolation to you your family? "- ... Look, but the chance this happened was only a hundred thousand! ...", Or 10 thousand, or a thousand ... Who would comfort with this justification?

It is true that certain things have changed since the time of Hippocrates. For example, at the time was a physician and surgeon was another thing: I will not use
the knife, not even those suffering from calculations, but leave that task for those who were trained in this art.
Today, surgeons are physicians. But even today, most doctors are not surgeons.
For the surgeons of today, this little phrase from the Hippocratic Oath is not valid.
But for all doctors (including surgeons), the rest of the Hippocratic Oath is still full of wisdom and ethics.

tip of Science has proven that the vast majority of diseases are caused by environmental and behavioral factors, namely, our habits and lifestyle, which influence greatly from our immunity to our mental health.
In my opinion, unfortunately, most physicians are increasingly specializing in dependence, and less health!
More than that, diseases are being seen as a state of "no drugs" Migraine is "lack of medicine (drug) for migraine." High blood pressure is "lack of blood pressure medication," and so on. Unfortunately, what I see is a world increasingly ill, taking more drugs. The proof is that many diseases once occurred almost exclusively in older individuals, are occurring in increasingly younger people.
is clear that drugs, in my view, may in some cases, have great benefits (though not cure the patient). But the applicability of each of these cases should in my view, be assessed under the Hippocratic Oath very current.

So If you believe that your habits and lifestyle can positively affect your health;
If you agree that no remedy and no physician is capable of curing a disease, but only to relieve their symptoms with drugs and other procedures;
If you agree that the healing of disease exists, but is within you, not outside;
If you believe that your body can not be infinitely divided into compartments, so all diseases are the result of an imbalance of the whole organism;

Then this site is for you !........... Keep your health a Kiroterapeuta Search ............... .....


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Opening of forensic anthropological research in the Verbena Cemetery ossuary. / anthropologic Opening of the forensic investigation at the ossuary of the Verbena Cemetery.
All photographs were taken by Daniel Hernández-Salazar © 2010 / All photographs by Daniel Hernandez-Salazar
Today February 26, 2010 Forensic Anthropology Foundation of Guatemala publicly presented the National Genebank of Relatives and Victims of Enforced Disappearance and officially launched research on the ossuaries Verbena Cemetery. These ossuaries are expected to find many of the people who disappeared during the internal armed conflict, because of "state terrorism" that occurred in Guatemala. The event which took place in La Verbena cemetery grounds, attended by relatives of victims and members of the embassies que apoyan el proceso. El establecimiento del Banco Genético es concecuencia de una sentencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. / Today February 26 2010 the Guatemalan Anthropological Forensic Foundation presented in public the National Genetic Bank of relatives and Victims of Forced Disappearances. At the same time started the work at the ossuaries of the Verbena cemetery in Guatemala City. At this places they hope to find the remains of some 45,000 persons who were kidnapped and disappeared by State Terrorism during the civil war. Relatives of disappeared persons and members of the Embassies from countries who support the program were present at the ceremony. The establishment of this Genetic Bank is a consequence of a sentence from the Inter American Human Rights Court.
Lucrecia Molina Theissen, the sister of a missing person and applicant to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights speaking at the event. / Lucrecia Molina Theissen Disappeared sister of a person and Applicant to the Inter American Human Rights Court Speaks DURING the event.

Overview of the act. The audience included many relatives of missing persons. / General view of the ceremony. In the public There Were Many Relatives of Disappeared Persons.
U.S. Ambassador in Guatemala observed Lucrecia Molina Theissen who cries after his speech where he recalled the moment when his brother for 14 years was kidnapped by Guatemalan government forces, against She and her mother. / U.S. Ambassador Stephen McFarland to Guatemala looks at Lucrecia Molina Theissen as she breaks in tears after her words Remembering The Moment When her 14 year old brother WAS Kidnapped in front of her eyes and her Mother's by Guatemalan State Forces.

Leon Mayarí read a poem by his father, writer Luis de Lyon, kidnapped and disappeared by security forces of the Guatemalan state in 1984. / Mayari de Leon reads a poem written by her Father Writer Luis de Lion who was kidnapped and disappeared by Guatemalan State security forces in 1984.

Lucrecia Molina Theissen abraza a Mayarí de León después de sus palabras. / Lucrecia Molina Theissen embraces Mayari de Leon after her speech.
Aura Elena Farfán, Director of the organization of relatives of disappeared FAMDEGUA speaking at the event. / Aura Elena Farfan , Director of FAMDEGUA Speaks. FAMDEGUA is an association of Relatives of Disappeared persons DURING the civil war in Guatemala.

Rosalina Tuyuc founder of the National Coordinator of Guatemala Vudas, CONAVIGUA, gives his speech while board members listen. / founder of Rosalina Tuyuc the National Association of Guatemalan Widows Speaks while members of the presidium listen to her.
Rosalina Tuyuc, Maria Elena Bustamante, Mario Polanco, Aura Elena Farfán and Mayan Leon.
Stephen McFarland, U.S. Ambassador in Guatemala. At the bottom graves in the cemetery near the mass graves where the remains of thousands of people disappeared during the "dirty war" in the 1970's and 1980's in Guatemala. / U.S. Ambassador Stephen McFarland to Guatemala. In the background grave at the cemetery next to the ossuaries Where the Remains of Thousands of Persons Who Were Disappeared During The 1970's and 80's "dirty war" Wait to Be Identified.
Immediately after his speech, Ambassador Marylena McFarland was questioned by Bustamante, a missing sister. Ambassador listened claim. / Right after McFarland's speech Ambassador Marylena Bustamente, sister of a person Disappeared, question McFarland Ambassador Who Demands kindly listened to her.
Aura Elena Farfan soon, and Mayan Molina Lucrecia de León, was also approached to ask Ambassador McFarland that help to obtain documents American secrets where they say they know that there are clues to the whereabouts of their loved ones and also data on the people who disappeared. Were emphatic in saying that they want the documents are not mutilated or censored. They also reminded him of the pardon former President Bill Clinton requested the Guatemalan people for U.S. participation in the "dirty war" in Guatemala. In addition he expressed his hope that "change management" in the United States can access these ducumentos.
Soon Aura Elena Farfan, Lucrecia Molina and Mayari Ambassador Leon Approaches: a McFarland to ask him to help Them to Obtain U.S. secret documents They Know Where They Said They CAN find information about loved ones Their whereabouts and information about the persons Them Who Disappeared. They Said They Do not Want to Receive Mutilated or censored documents. They Remembered to him when to President Bill Clinton pardon Asked to the Guatemalan People DURING a visit to the country I did Some years ago. On the Other Hand They Express to the Ambassador Their hope That with the "change of Administration" in the USA It Could Be Those possible to get secret documents.
McFarland Ambassador said at the end that "as a human being" will do everything possible to help them. They told him to "trust him." / McFarland Ambassador Told Them That He "as human being" will do all at His Hand to Help Them. They Told him "they trust on him."
hands Marylena Tuyuc Rosalina Bustamante and were together for a long time during the event. / Marylena Bustamente and Rosalina Tuyuc's hands held together for a long time.

Fredy Peccerelli of the Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation, explained the procedure to be carried out to find and identify remains of missing persons. / Fredy Peccerelli Explained the procedure to find and identifie The Remains of the Disappeared persons.

After the formal ceremony, the families of the disappeared were taken flowers and candles to carry them to the ossuary deposit which may be the remains of their loved ones. / After the program protocolary Families Took the flowers and candles to deposit at the ossuary WHERE Their loved ones Remains Could be found.

Families are directed to the ossuary to lay flowers. / The Relatives walk to the ossuary to deposit the flowers.
Family of missing cut the symbolic ribbon before entering the premises of the ossuaries. / R elatives of the Disappeared cut the official ribbon prior to enter the enclosure of the ossuaries.
family income to the site of ossuaries. / The ossuaries enclousure the whole family.
missing families mourn and pray in front of the ossuary which may be the remains of their loved ones. / The Families of the Disappeared persons cry and pray in front of the ossuary Where the Remains of Their loved one Could be.
Families flowers thrown to the ossuary. / The Familiar throw out flowers to the ossuary.
Families remember the names of their loved ones in front of the ossuary. / The Families remember the names of Their loved ones in front of the ossuary.

One of the 3 mass graves where they may be the remains of at least 889 of the more than 40,000 people kidnapped and disappeared by Guatemalan state forces during the civil war. This ossuary is 4 meters in diameter and is 40 meters deep. According to one of the technicians in charge of the exhumation, only this ossuary may contain more than 10,000 human remains from which must find the missing. / One of the 3 ossuaries Where the Remains of at least 889 out of More Than 40.000 Kidnapped and Disappeared persons by Guatemalan security forces Could be found. This ossuary Measures 12 feet wide and 120 feet deep. According To one of the Technicians in charge This Means That only in this ossuary There Could Be The Remains of More Than 10.000 persons Amongst Which They Have to search for the Remains of the Disappeared persons.
Hundreds of remains in clandestine grave / Hundreds of Human Remains in clandestine grave. Mixco, Guatemala.

Mixco, Guatemala. Over one hundred skeletons have been exhumed by the National Institute of Forensic Sciences, INACIF of a clandestine grave located in this village a few kilometers from the capital of Guatemala. The grave was found by construction workers who laborers on the back of a school. FAMDEGUA members of the groups of relatives of missing persons during the internal armed conflict in Guatemala, are interested in finding out whether it is the remains of people subjected to enforced disappearance. At the moment there is no certainty the origin of the remains or who it is and why they were buried there in this way. There is evidence of post mortem analysis works because some of the remains present in the skull trepanation typical of an autopsy. The remains are placed within black plastic bags and sacks.

Mixco, Guatemala. More than one hundred human remains have been exhumed by the National Institute of Forensic Sciences (INACIF) in a clandestine grave located in this town a few miles from Guatemala City. The grave was found by workers in the backyard of a school. Members of FAMDEGUA a group of relatives of disappeared persons are interested to know if the remains belong to persons disappeared during the civil war in Guatemala. At this point it is not certain the origin of the remains, who those persons were or why their remains were buried in that way. There is evidence of postmortem studies because some of the skulls present trepanations typical of autopsy anal ysis. The remains Are Deposited in black plastic bags.

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