Opening of forensic anthropological research in the Verbena Cemetery ossuary. / anthropologic Opening of the forensic investigation at the ossuary of the Verbena Cemetery.
All photographs were taken by Daniel Hernández-Salazar © 2010 / All photographs by Daniel Hernandez-Salazar
All photographs were taken by Daniel Hernández-Salazar © 2010 / All photographs by Daniel Hernandez-Salazar
Lucrecia Molina Theissen, the sister of a missing person and applicant to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights speaking at the event. / Lucrecia Molina Theissen Disappeared sister of a person and Applicant to the Inter American Human Rights Court Speaks DURING the event.
Overview of the act. The audience included many relatives of missing persons. / General view of the ceremony. In the public There Were Many Relatives of Disappeared Persons.
U.S. Ambassador in Guatemala observed Lucrecia Molina Theissen who cries after his speech where he recalled the moment when his brother for 14 years was kidnapped by Guatemalan government forces, against She and her mother. / U.S. Ambassador Stephen McFarland to Guatemala looks at Lucrecia Molina Theissen as she breaks in tears after her words Remembering The Moment When her 14 year old brother WAS Kidnapped in front of her eyes and her Mother's by Guatemalan State Forces.

Leon Mayarí read a poem by his father, writer Luis de Lyon, kidnapped and disappeared by security forces of the Guatemalan state in 1984. / Mayari de Leon reads a poem written by her Father Writer Luis de Lion who was kidnapped and disappeared by Guatemalan State security forces in 1984.
Lucrecia Molina Theissen abraza a Mayarí de León después de sus palabras. / Lucrecia Molina Theissen embraces Mayari de Leon after her speech.
Aura Elena Farfán, Director of the organization of relatives of disappeared FAMDEGUA speaking at the event. / Aura Elena Farfan , Director of FAMDEGUA Speaks. FAMDEGUA is an association of Relatives of Disappeared persons DURING the civil war in Guatemala.
Rosalina Tuyuc founder of the National Coordinator of Guatemala Vudas, CONAVIGUA, gives his speech while board members listen. / founder of Rosalina Tuyuc the National Association of Guatemalan Widows Speaks while members of the presidium listen to her.
Rosalina Tuyuc, Maria Elena Bustamante, Mario Polanco, Aura Elena Farfán and Mayan Leon.
Stephen McFarland, U.S. Ambassador in Guatemala. At the bottom graves in the cemetery near the mass graves where the remains of thousands of people disappeared during the "dirty war" in the 1970's and 1980's in Guatemala. / U.S. Ambassador Stephen McFarland to Guatemala. In the background grave at the cemetery next to the ossuaries Where the Remains of Thousands of Persons Who Were Disappeared During The 1970's and 80's "dirty war" Wait to Be Identified.
Immediately after his speech, Ambassador Marylena McFarland was questioned by Bustamante, a missing sister. Ambassador listened claim. / Right after McFarland's speech Ambassador Marylena Bustamente, sister of a person Disappeared, question McFarland Ambassador Who Demands kindly listened to her.
Aura Elena Farfan soon, and Mayan Molina Lucrecia de León, was also approached to ask Ambassador McFarland that help to obtain documents American secrets where they say they know that there are clues to the whereabouts of their loved ones and also data on the people who disappeared. Were emphatic in saying that they want the documents are not mutilated or censored. They also reminded him of the pardon former President Bill Clinton requested the Guatemalan people for U.S. participation in the "dirty war" in Guatemala. In addition he expressed his hope that "change management" in the United States can access these ducumentos.
Soon Aura Elena Farfan, Lucrecia Molina and Mayari Ambassador Leon Approaches: a McFarland to ask him to help Them to Obtain U.S. secret documents They Know Where They Said They CAN find information about loved ones Their whereabouts and information about the persons Them Who Disappeared. They Said They Do not Want to Receive Mutilated or censored documents. They Remembered to him when to President Bill Clinton pardon Asked to the Guatemalan People DURING a visit to the country I did Some years ago. On the Other Hand They Express to the Ambassador Their hope That with the "change of Administration" in the USA It Could Be Those possible to get secret documents.

McFarland Ambassador said at the end that "as a human being" will do everything possible to help them. They told him to "trust him." / McFarland Ambassador Told Them That He "as human being" will do all at His Hand to Help Them. They Told him "they trust on him."

hands Marylena Tuyuc Rosalina Bustamante and were together for a long time during the event. / Marylena Bustamente and Rosalina Tuyuc's hands held together for a long time.

Fredy Peccerelli of the Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation, explained the procedure to be carried out to find and identify remains of missing persons. / Fredy Peccerelli Explained the procedure to find and identifie The Remains of the Disappeared persons.
After the formal ceremony, the families of the disappeared were taken flowers and candles to carry them to the ossuary deposit which may be the remains of their loved ones. / After the program protocolary Families Took the flowers and candles to deposit at the ossuary WHERE Their loved ones Remains Could be found.
Family of missing cut the symbolic ribbon before entering the premises of the ossuaries. / R elatives of the Disappeared cut the official ribbon prior to enter the enclosure of the ossuaries.
missing families mourn and pray in front of the ossuary which may be the remains of their loved ones. / The Families of the Disappeared persons cry and pray in front of the ossuary Where the Remains of Their loved one Could be.
Families remember the names of their loved ones in front of the ossuary. / The Families remember the names of Their loved ones in front of the ossuary.
One of the 3 mass graves where they may be the remains of at least 889 of the more than 40,000 people kidnapped and disappeared by Guatemalan state forces during the civil war. This ossuary is 4 meters in diameter and is 40 meters deep. According to one of the technicians in charge of the exhumation, only this ossuary may contain more than 10,000 human remains from which must find the missing. / One of the 3 ossuaries Where the Remains of at least 889 out of More Than 40.000 Kidnapped and Disappeared persons by Guatemalan security forces Could be found. This ossuary Measures 12 feet wide and 120 feet deep. According To one of the Technicians in charge This Means That only in this ossuary There Could Be The Remains of More Than 10.000 persons Amongst Which They Have to search for the Remains of the Disappeared persons.
Hundreds of remains in clandestine grave / Hundreds of Human Remains in clandestine grave. Mixco, Guatemala. Mixco, Guatemala. Over one hundred skeletons have been exhumed by the National Institute of Forensic Sciences, INACIF of a clandestine grave located in this village a few kilometers from the capital of Guatemala. The grave was found by construction workers who laborers on the back of a school. FAMDEGUA members of the groups of relatives of missing persons during the internal armed conflict in Guatemala, are interested in finding out whether it is the remains of people subjected to enforced disappearance. At the moment there is no certainty the origin of the remains or who it is and why they were buried there in this way. There is evidence of post mortem analysis works because some of the remains present in the skull trepanation typical of an autopsy. The remains are placed within black plastic bags and sacks.

Mixco, Guatemala. More than one hundred human remains have been exhumed by the National Institute of Forensic Sciences (INACIF) in a clandestine grave located in this town a few miles from Guatemala City. The grave was found by workers in the backyard of a school. Members of FAMDEGUA a group of relatives of disappeared persons are interested to know if the remains belong to persons disappeared during the civil war in Guatemala. At this point it is not certain the origin of the remains, who those persons were or why their remains were buried in that way. There is evidence of postmortem studies because some of the skulls present trepanations typical of autopsy anal ysis. The remains Are Deposited in black plastic bags.

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