Saturday, March 13, 2010

Target Wrapping Paper

. The True History of Reiki in the West - To read and comment and depression


Do Mesmerismo ao Reiki e Práticas Semelhantes
A Verdadeira História do Reiki no Ocidente

“… Todos esses movimentos (dedicados às”curas” ditas metafísicas) não representam mais do que diferentes fases do exercício de poderes crescentes - mas ainda não compreendidos e, assim, com demasiada frequência usados ignorantemente. Compreenda-se, de uma vez por todas, que não há nada de ‘espiritual’ ou ‘divino’ nessas manifestações. As curas por eles efectuadas são devidas, simplesmente, ao exercício inconsciente de occult powers in the plans of lower nature - usually the Prana or vital currents. The

conflicting theories held by these schools are based on metaphysical concepts misunderstood or misapplied, often grotesquely absurd logic fallacious. (...) This is one of the biggest dangers of the new cycle, greatly aggravated by the competitive pressure and the struggle for existence ... "

Helena P. Blavatsky, 1890 (in Collected Writings, Vol XII, pág.155)


In 1770, a Viennese physician, named Franz Anton Mesmer, suspecting the importance and influence of terrestrial magnetism in biological functionality of living beings, progressive experiments undertaken to confirm his thesis.
Ia further, still in his thoughts: it considered that all living organisms manifest correspondingly properties of magnetism analogous or similar to those of Mother Earth.
In fact - he thought - all the bodies of animate beings, as beings of the commonly (and not so accurate) called "inanimate" (the mineral) is composed of substance responsive to terrestrial magnetism, and even in many cases that had found, to their universal laws of magnetic orientation. This premise would open him and promising untapped fields in terms of restoration of equilibrium in bodies affected by the disease.

And I thought, this vast cosmos, with all your intelligent laws, everything lines up with everything, and everything is interdependent with everything. In fact, the Earth is aligned with the north-south polarity in the solar system, and this, with other units Collective biggest yet. Sidereal this gigantic complex (and medical doctor, he was a keen lover of astronomy and astrology). Thus, leaned also to the conclusion that the fluid that influenced people (and particularly their health status) from the Stars and Planets of the same nature was recognized that electromagnetic emanating from the magnets and all living organisms on Earth. There it was found that:

Earth behaved like a mighty magnet, and the (demonstrably) amount and electricity flowed bipolar: the North, positive polarity, the South, negative electricity. Moreover, this characteristic and those properties were transferred and passed on (ad infinitum) in some natural substances called magnets precisely: sectioned indefinitely, exhibited the same virtues in the field of electromagnetic balance and bipolar orientation.

(And he reflected) the myriad of different ore deposits exist in the subsurface of the earth they configured systems "Smart" distribution and balance of these same electromagnetic energies, functioning as nerve bundles (and so-called "meridians" of the Chinese medical culture - we may add), drivers of the life currents (equivalent to the blood and lymphatic circulatory systems in animals, and sap in the plant kingdom).

having become apparent, namely that many minerals and other substances (iron, magnetite, Amber.) Were the possessors of these properties of magnetism and even human beings themselves (and others) had in its constitution biological iron and other metals in many different ratios ((It is now known that living tissues are the inorganic ions that carry electric current. For example, it was found scientifically that there is a transfer of that power coming from an injured body area to another sound. Thus, each muscle trauma, every heartbeat, every phenomenon of glandular secretion determine or are associated with changes of electrical state. Zones, tissues or organs affected (excited) are then a negative polarity in relation to areas unscathed.)), it he considered that it might well be that they also constitute channels that conduct electricity and magnetism (energy vital).

Hence, tended strongly to the likelihood that the disease - the biological functional imbalance - was the direct result of a "depolarization" or "decompensation" of energy, which would result from a deficiency in the performance of different organs and - even and chain - the functional organ systems assigned to them or subordinates.

Pondering that an influx of energy could, for various contingencies, is blocked and "stagnant" or, conversely, a deficit in a given body region, he concluded that the restoration of these equilibria determine the recovery of health status of individuals. Has, then, a curious experience:

... Their experiences and their importance

prepared a wooden tub, magnetized, whose fund will cover glass and iron filings. Submitted, afterwards, several volunteer patients emersion in that tub, so looking ahead to assess whether, in fact, patients managed to remove the energy that they lacked exposure to magnetic effluvia. The result is astonishing, was that a considerable number of patients recovered or improved significantly from their ailments. Alongside this research, undertaken with many other rods magnetized.

Later, Mesmer, focused his research on magnetism particularly human. Started to perform experiments with the placing of hands, mentally inducing the magnetic flux (the energy of what he called "animal magnetism") to pass on to their patients, specifically to the affected areas (remember, that in all conductors of energy, energy tends to flow down and out at their tips.). The

living "radical metabolize this energy" of Mother Earth into its component parts on the plans called Shape (Mental lower; Kamic or Emotional, Astral, later called Etheric; Physical Chemistry). Specializing in and color it with the vibration rate inherent in his own psyche (note that the term applies specifically to the psyche levels Kama-Manas is Astral-Etheric). So, to radiate this energy (the fingertips or merely targeted by intention - mentally or with the aid of the vehicle's "look"), the man does carry its own character, which may be: a) lower (bottom) vibrational level (thus running the risk of degrading even more the focus of the allocation of the patient), b) the nature of a relatively equivalent level of vibration (and, therefore, adds drawback in this particular context) c) or an emanation of a more refined and beneficial. In this global aspect, the energy from a magnet mineral seems more innocuous, because neutral with regard to our own content or level of consciousness.

In all cases, however, this therapeutic action is and will always be punctual, superficial and fleeting - and well suited for enhancing energy in a temporary low-energy soul-psychic, to a low voltage, for an accident (slight) hypoglycaemic for a migraine. Do not kid yourselves, because not fall into the biggest inconsistency and childishness assuming that this means of healing can eradicate fundamental problems - problems that are solved only with a work consciously directed reorientation of thought and reordering of customs and attitudes (and thus a self-healing or "alchemy" inside). In diseases already installed, will eventually be a useful complement to other therapies more effective and decisive. For example, such a panacea and foreign, of course, impermanent, not solve the root sinks uninterrupted, incessant, in terms of energy, which occurs when a person is subject to continuous emotional distress (stress, grief, fears, dislikes, concerns, tensions, shortages of various kinds, etc.).

In his day, Mesmer was widely criticized by various sectors of the scientific community that refused to admit that living things were in possession of this "fluid" electromagnetic. However, in the West, he was the forerunner of the establishment - once considered "scientific" - the biological electrical currents that formed the basis of numerous subsequent studies under Psicolo-gia/Psiquiatria, electrophysiology applied to diagnosesem Cardiology (via electrocardiogram) and the Brain (through electroencephalograms), and even the entire stock available at present and extended field of sonography, MRI, etc..

Kardecism and other chains

Returning simply by the mere act of volitional irradiation (from) a human being, almost a century after the controversy of Mesmer, the Movement Spiritist Allan Kardec, branched in many countries It has launched a practice very similar to that of mesmerism. Assuming that the cause of many diseases could be due to the "devitalized" caused by "disembodied spirits" that apropririariam of ectoplasm (which is also called perispirit) of vampirized led to practice the replacement of this vital energy through precisely the imposition of hands. Even today this measure (which is commonly called "make passes."), In conjunction with the fluid magnetization of water to drink (and the objective, a set of "mental cleansing") is common in many Spiritist Centers spread over several countries. Contemporaneously, another charismatic personality, Riechenbach, advocated similar practices and, to that energy, called "odic".

Entretanto.Nas last decades of the century just ended, other movements of Eastern origin - More specifically from Japan - have proliferated in America and Europe, including Portugal, spreading those same means therapeutic irradiation through the hands. Still other organizations specialized in diversified (though similar in substance) healing methods using metallic magnets (affixed in a certain way, often on either side of the affected body region) in order to expel negative moods cause dysfunction or diseases.

However - and finally - Miscellaneous literature supposedly innovative (usually sensationalist) came to deploy the boom and make believe and circulate Reiki is a recent wonder - this mystifying practice of all forms which can be inflated and operated. It argues that it is "a passage of divine energy" or "universal energy" definitely "spiritualizing" - and esoteric (the word "magic" of our day, unfortunately often lacking the proper sense of original).

No doubt all this world is "divine", so all the energy that infuses us and we circulate is necessarily "God". In this sense, everything is a "gift from God" but, even so, let's say a doctor - by dedicating himself to healing - Is a great exercising their spiritual "priesthood." It is therefore unfair and frivolous confuse things and make them out of their own, restricted and legitimate level - even if, in your area (the healing), could be the most useful and effective.

Today - and for everything and anything - you pull the alleged "gals" and "credentials" that supposedly prove the "high degree of spirituality reached", and it is said, bragging: ". I have the first or second initiation I have Reiki. "or". Reiki I / a - (and with it, everything I say.) ". Indeed, it goes up forums for collective alienation, and meddles the truly sacred and worthy of being honored with a vaunted but vulgar, yet relatively useful or effective therapy. And once again, in circles which are supposed to esoteric, a "fad" or an entertainment of secondary or tertiary importance of real (as a candy or a toy that captivates baby) deviate from the essentials - the unavoidably lengthy and lucid Evolutionary Path which is supposed wish to go. To the point it reached, only the cost that many dare to confess that, after all, until he fell ill with these practices (often paid with lots of money.).

In all ages there and act "reactionary forces" interested in "entertaining" and "quiet" - in short - in "trap" of humanity is still immature, with precisely the childishness that it is still attractive and the like. Nothing is easier than taking advantage of an opportunity or a platform looks harmless and even beneficent (in principle, inviolable and unsuspected), hide behind them and hide their true objectives wrapping them up with colorful wrappers, suggesting "Mirifica" and " beatific "realities.

Having said that, far from the face (now called) as Reiki therapy (area where we met good friends and people with healthy desire), what moves us is the demarcation of their borders, clarifying and fading the widespread presumption that "is a spiritual science and spiritualizing," or that "Ramos is one of the Nobles of the Esoteric Sciences said."

So we should clarify the most exciting questions that have generated around this practice, does not align the chakras and much less, leading to its opening (which, incidentally, would be disastrous), does not align all the seven bodies (! !) or clears all their auras, the energy alluded to lies in the heart chakra and is not driven by it, does not promote the "miracle" of Spiritual Evolution individual or collective, does not operate the connection to the Higher Self, is not a vehicle for blessings of Superior beings, not confer any special spiritual status to those who practice it. You can, however (and eventually) be an expedient (or support) to help focus several good intentions and progress in the same way that other instruments operate as points of support targeting the same objectives - namely, the mandalas, the thirds ( or rosaries), candles, incense, even the mantras and prayers. They clarified, however, that the true meditation (itself) is something completely different.

In short, Spiritual Ascension in, only to determine a self-improvement (which enables the individual to be a server) is a prerequisite for evolution. This project is completely independent of any practices Reiki. As to these, fiquemo us because, by their natural domains, simple and legitimate - (possibly) related to Shiatsu, Do-in, Reflexology and other practices worthy and valuable in their respective areas and competencies. And all is right and nothing will violate the precepts of the correction, truth and ethics.

Reiki as Worship
In esotericism, the study engaged, and constancy, is absolutely indispensable. It consists in enabling the gradual penetration into the Mysteries of Nature and Laws. Facilitates and promotes the identification and communicability of man (the microcosm) with the macrocosm - opening doors to a full (and) Fusion of Life in the higher sense of the term. So that, in any way we can complete, and nor would mitigate the "seat" to meet, limiting us to engage in any "generosity" to undertake interim and cures that do not require more effort from us than the exchange so many times (almost childishly) dramatized in (pardon the expression) "sweet and caressing stereotyped complicity" in pseudo-spiritual environments that there are many requirements of a "perfume", "Candles," "crystal," and other devices sufficient sensitization. After

. Then, one goes home, and the routine remains intact, and the world remains the same - no one more addition to their material condition and unalterably helpless, for in truth, ignorance is the greatest evil, and accommodation and inertia, with all the files that are created to justify and to convince ourselves that we are already sufficiently "useful" and "large" is his biggest booster.

When these practices become a "cult" (as, sadly, today this phenomenon is proliferating!), The risk of "growing the egocentrisno" is too great: in fact, the exchange of "fondling the aura" to and fro, and in-laws allegedly legitimated under the brand of "spirituality" and promoters of "pride and vanity masked" real good result can not bring.

Admittedly "decompress", relax and can produce well-being. And they'll say that's wrong with that? Again clarified that only is incorrect, and even a hoax, if this is want to highlight or assume ownership of a "high price or spiritual evolution - and that is what mostly happens in these environments.

A line-of-least-resistance ...

The danger is that the dictates and the thought of "egregore" inadvertently generated by the collective (or faithful lovers of) ends up being a substitute for pensamenso individual (who intends to free). Movements of this kind, which arise (which come and go in time and space) wave, the danger of alienation, in fact, it settles. We say this with property: know enough about the reality of tens of countries through a voluminous correspondence we receive every day (since the Cultural Center Lusitano Unified has published books in several languages, which circulate in dozens of countries on 4 continents, and among these, has offices in 26). For these cards (and beyond), we realize that many forums and alienation arrived (already) very diverse organizations that have Reiki as its supreme performance and cultural center, dragging, often, well intentioned and search can be truly useful. Admittedly, Portugal (still) not reached that far, even if acquired, ultimately, these characteristics, however the trend example, on our side, is a warning and an alarm signal that we have a duty to consider carefully and conscientiously. "

Isabel Nunes Government
Vice-Chairman of Lusitano Center Unified Cultural
Article BIOSOFIA removed the magazine, No. 10, June 2001, Clucas, Lisbon.


What we propose in this paper is not trying to define or explain what is meant by Esoteric really - and that, to say the truth is very different than usual for then you think. We did it in passing, or implicitly, in several articles in Biosofia, and we gave him a whole article in a previous issue of this magazine, for which we allow ourselves to refer.

We have especially in mind, yes, warn against the danger of certain practices and ways of being that are associated, more or less (in) correctly, the Esoteric, occult experiences are taken as par excellence, and exerts a clear fascination many.

In fact, such activities, exercises and postures are after all the bas fonds, if not the negative side, the Esoteric Science.

We refer here particularly to the thousand and one so-called esoteric healing methods that have proliferated in recent decades; practices spiritualists and mediums, and, in general, all positions of astral and psychic lower, always associated with visions, revelations and prophecies, which are very often a serious problem.

Paraphernalia of The Cures, Passes and other therapies "Spiritual"

believe that Helena Blavatsky was, without doubt, the great pioneer, and proactive driving around the modern esoteric movement - the belief that more is rooted in the more years we pass, and the more we study and reflect. By that reason, moreover, is that she has been and continues to be the victim of all attacks, some even less where, apparently, one would expect 2. In April 1890, a year before his death, in a message sent to a theosophical convention in the United States of America, she left ...

"... a word of warning. As preparation for the new cycle takes place (.) Latent powers and hidden in man are beginning to germinate and thrive. Hence, the rapid growth of movements such as the Mental Healing, Metaphysics Therapy, Healing the Spiritual and so on. All these movements represent no more than different stages of the exercise of powers increased - but not yet understood, and thus too often used ignorantly. Let it be understood once and for all, that there is nothing "spiritual" or "divine" in these demonstrations. The cures effected by them are due simply to the unconscious exercise of occult powers in the plans of lower nature - usually the Prana or vital currents. The conflicting theories held by these schools are based on metaphysical concepts misunderstood or misapplied, often grotesquely absurd logic fallacious. But the only factor common to most of them - a factor that presents o risco principal no futuro próximo - é este: em quase todos os casos, o teor dos ensinamentos dessas escolas é tal que conduz as pessoas a olhar o processo sanador como sendo aplicado à mente do paciente. Por outras palavras, sempre que o curador interfere - consciente ou inconscientemente - com a livre acção mental da pessoa que ele trata, isso é - Magia Negra. Quase todas as assim chamadas ciências de Cura (”Healing”) estão a ser usadas como meio de ganhar a vida. Em breve, algumas pessoas astutas descobrirão que, pelo mesmo processo, as mentes de outros podem ser influenciadas em muitas direcções, e a partir do momento em que se tenha insinuado a motivação egoísta do ganho pessoal and the taking of money, until then "healer" may be insensibly led to use their power to get wealth or any other object of your desire.

This is one of the biggest dangers of the new cycle, greatly aggravated by the competitive pressure and the struggle for existence ... "3

We know that for a good part of the current pseudo-esoteric consumerism, Helena Blavatsky means little or nothing. However, we can assert with conviction that she was not only the wisest woman of her century, but probably in all history has many register and had it not been for their courage in publicly exposing what everyone ignored or dared not confess, suffering from it the most brutal and demeaning attacks 4 all that (at least in the West) to complain (good or bad, better or worse) of Esoteric and Occult Sciences - including those who find a way there life easier and less costly than the joint work - would be thrown into rings and / or do not even know that "such things existed.

should make clear that Helena Blavatsky was not one of those blessed theater, which constitute one of the facets of the sad world of pseudo-occultism, nor someone who said half a dozen mystical platitudes with an air of mystery and putative basófia, whose own judges have nothing to substantiate what it says, is hot as 5. Not having ever presented with high-sounding titles as "Planetary Logos of Mars," "Hierophant", "Empress", "high priestess" and others of the same style (which has a widespread scale is scary), nor intended to channel messages from entities the Pleiades and other constellations of yet more distant (as it is in vogue) - seems like the banality and sensationalism of unsustainable "messages" increases the precise extent of the geographical distance from the supposed point of origin of the alleged messages - HP Blavatsky gave to the world a work whose depth Knowledge and quantity often exceeds the sum of all the good that one can take in there to walk under the label of "spirituality." And therefore, his warning is worth having REGARD.

Their advice is worth taking into account! ... At present, it is important more than ever, when all around today who is open, align and heal chakras; you treat, restore and clean auras, and who read , decode and concerte (?) the subconscious, and who pass, channel and mediates the universal energy, and who restore the vital system, rebalance the etheric body, apply crystals "that cure everything," Mesmerize, promote tax rises with cosmic of hands and a few minutes of concentration. ... And they call this "spirituality"!

Now, the thing that you are dealing in all these cases - when it goes a bit beyond mere recklessness or sham - is with the psycho-vital levels, namely with (s) world (s ) immediately above the physical, but are not levels of spirituality. Are more subtle than the physical world but are not spiritual, just as the waves that allow us to use mobile phones are realities less dense than the matter of a rock but do not have anything spiritual - is suspicious until they can induce Cancer ...

If you know dealing with such energy, on the basis of scientific knowledge for therapeutic purposes free and harmless, there would be no special problem to refer, instead, it is a vast field of new possibilities 6. There is, however, in most cases, the problem of reproducibility not 7, so essential to scientific dignity, and will always remain as a source of misunderstanding consider these spiritual energies, turning to quote Helena Blavatsky, are themselves the "Plans of lower Nature. " Giving or receiving a massage, can be very useful, and it is not (for us) being discussed, but goes a long way before we can consider it ... spirituality!
José Manuel Anacleto

Chairman of Lusitano Unified Cultural Center

Acupuncture and reiki now
have scientific explanation

Researchers evaluate effects and mechanism of alternative therapies on animals laboratory

by Bruna Bernacchio

Ricardo Monezi Reiki tested in rats with cancer

(Illustration: Matheus Lopes)

Recent studies show beneficial effects and to find scientific explanations for acupuncture and reiki. Studies on the subject, previously restricted to eastern universities, researchers gained ground among Americans, Europeans and even Brazil. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) has created a special name for these methods: they are the integrative therapies.
An article about the effects of acupuncture on pain was published by researchers at the University of Rochester in Nature Neuroscience on May 30. Built for four thousand anos, a prática consiste na aplicação de agulhas em pontos do corpo. Pela explicação tradicional, ela ativa determinadas correntes energéticas para equilibrar a energia do organismo.

Cientificamente, as agulhas teriam efeitos no sistema nervoso central (cérebro e espinha dorsal). As células cerebrais são ativadas e liberam endorfina, um neurotransmissor responsável pela sensação de relaxamento e bem-estar. O estudo dos nova-iorquinos descobriu uma novidade: a terapia, que atinge tecidos mais profundos da pele, teria efeitos no sistema nervoso periférico. As agulhas estimulam também a liberação de outro neurotransmissor, a adenosina, com poder antiinflamatório e analgésico.

In experiment with mice with pain in legs, scientists applied the needle in the knee of the animal. They found that the level of adenosine in the skin region was 24 times higher than normal and there was a reduction in discomfort by two thirds.

The team attempted to maximize the effectiveness of therapy, put a drug used to treat cancer in the needles. The improved drug treatment: the level and duration of adenosine effects in the body of aniamis tripliquase almost tripled and duration of effects in the body of the mice also tripled. But this method could not be done in humans because the drug is not used clinically. "The next step is to test the drug in people, to improve it or to find other drugs with the same effect," said Maiken Nedergaard, coordinator of the study.


Its practitioners believe in the beneficial effects of the energy of the therapist's hands placed on the patient's body against diseases. To understand the biological changes of reiki, Ricardo psychobiologist Monezi tested the treatment on mice with cancer. "The animal has no psychological preparation, faith, beliefs and empathy for the attendant. From the experiments with them, try to isolate the placebo effect, " says. For his research at USP, reiki Monezi chose between all practices of laying on of hands because it is the only without religious connotation.

In the experiment, the research team divided 60 mice with tumors into three groups. The control group received no treatment, group "glove-control" received tax with a pair of gloves attached to wooden handles, and the group "impostor" was always the traditional treatment at the hands of the same person.

After sacrificed, the animals were evaluated for their immune response, ie the body's ability to destroy tumors. Results showed that in group "impostor," the white blood cells and immune cells had doubled its capacity to recognize and destroy cancer cells.

"We do not yet distinguish whether the energy that reiki works is magnetic, electrical or electromagnetic. The articles describe it as 'subtle energy' of unexplained nature in physics today, "says Monezi. He said the energy produces physical waves, which releases some hormones that can activate cells of the body's defense. The study concluded that as there were no significant differences in the groups that received reiki, physiological changes of the group that went through the treatment are not due to placebo effect.

Monezi The team has now started to examine the effects of reiki in humans. The study is not complete yet, but psychobiologist said that the first group of 16 people, shows positive results. "The results suggest an improvement, for example, the quality of life and decreased symptoms of anxiety and depression." The work is part of his doctoral thesis at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP).

And these are not the only work done with complementary therapies in Brazil. The psychobiologist Elisa Harumi, evaluates the effects of reiki on patients who have undergone chemotherapy, a doctor of acupuncture Flávia Freire showed improvement of up to 60% in patients with sleep apnea treated with needles, both UNIFESP. The amount Recent research on the subject shows that science is increasingly interested in the mechanism and effects of alternative therapies.
Source: Journal Galileo

PS: It's always good to remember that alternative medicine (or has been referred to as integrative therapy) should be seen as complementary to traditional medicine.
is true that the outcome of any treatment depends on the relationship / trust developed between the health professional and more tais patient therapies scientific comprovação possuem ainda não as foi dito. Os estudos ainda estao
avançada na area, certamente já bem conhecida two orientais.


José True, I wrote shortie, but the time is that I win, good with respect to the reiki, I think you're right, because I am learning Reiki and reiki second, when I prepared a master of Venezuela there in Curacao, was for me an event that almost changed my life, and taught the ways of reiki Mikao Usui and the teacher really was Tanaka who gave more importance to symbols, perhaps to make it more elitist and distant from the masses, as they say, before there was much to separate it to be different and stand out, but today, all is change, is opening in the end, you are a therapist you might think well, actually just give therapeutic touch, so they call it, you're giving rays infrared that we all have, through our bio-molecular, so we are alive, possess qualities that emanate from our body, our mind can do amazing things, so does the self-healing com for example.
to my students which I teach comprehensive holistic massage or share the Swedish massage, Esalen and the imposition of hands (Reiki) is so cool that you like so much to know that we help the physical, emotional and spiritual. Besides that I have the support of aromatherapy, music therapy, then formed a circle of events that contribute to the balance of the body in a holistic manner.
then also any other therapy that is done can be applied the touch that conveys (a clean mind, healing) to the application of reflexology to spec. or any other physical therapy, which give a healing touch. You stand to your application form you may already be happening in many parts, so, I congratulate you go taking time out of your prolific.


imposição A cure tem uma das Mãos longa e bem documented history. Treatment is to relieve une capacité others in a way whose explanation at present is short of the scientific sphere of intellectual thought. The imposition of hands, painful areas are touched by the therapist in a general way this light and directs its healing energy into this area, often in the form of light or color. Often the patient has a sensation of heat, motion, or a breeze passing through the part being treated. Knowing where support for the hands, and when moving to another area, depends on intuition and experience of the therapist. Most of us had an education that will set aside this intuition, it takes time to learn to listen and trust the little voice we secret "acts on the right side of the neck" or "bears in the area of \u200b\u200bthe liver."

In Shiatsu we rely on Oriental medical theory, but nothing prevents us from also using the techniques of healing by laying on of hands. Often the mere support of the hand at a point, or zone, imagining the healing energy to enter, may be the most important part of treatment, although the viewer may appear that nothing is happening. These techniques are taught in the beginning to almost anyone studying Shiatsu, which is why, probably, beginners often get spectacular successes, in the presence of common diseases, with few or even no theoretical knowledge.

Some therapists use the healing touch manual are members of religious organizations and feel that their "gift" from God. Other enhance the ability to heal using meditation, yoga and other activities. Most believe that the healing power does not belong to the therapist, but God, Spirit, Universe what feels right, and that only works through the Si I judge that everyone has healing abilities though some people find this gift sooner than others, and resolve to develop it. I would say that whoever assumes a profession dedicated to dealing with their fellows, whether in the context of traditional medicine or in the alternative, it does so by his desire and ability to heal. The technique is the niche where he fits the part that is the intuitive ability to heal. The choice of technique depends on the individual or discipline. Personally, I leaned Shiatsu because it allows me to be very intuitive and creative, although there is a good solid theoretical foundation which can support me mentally.



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