Abraham's niece, the hermit, and was S. Efrem (SIV), who wrote his life.
Mary was orphaned at age 7 and remained under the tutelage of his uncle, Abraham, was a hermit. She followed the guy's life for 20 years, but after the devil tempted her and she, after sinning with a monk, went to the city to be a libertine life. Her uncle cried for 2 years. Then she was informed of where he went to look.
He was dressed, so she did not recognize. They entered a room to sleep together, and at the time he took off his disguise and warned that the Day of Judgement, God would charge all those sins. She returned with him to the cell, and after three years of sincere repentance, God gave him the gift of miracles. Palladium
explains that one day God told a Solitaire, Hablando arrepentida of a prostitute, "is my wife has been exciting in that Other in its penance virginidad"
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