end is approaching a new year. A 2010 full of acts, events, causality, (no coincidence), promotions, conferences and, above all, the issue of the second part of the trilogy of "The Battle of the Souls", subtitled "Blood is Life" and conclusion of the third part, "Apocalypse", which is what I sent to the Minotaur Awards 2011.
Apart from this, I was able to witness as a short story of mine won an international competition of romantic fiction, made by Pelican Publishing Colombia.
Gone are the interviews on radio programs "for Canary" Lydia Canal in Nine Radio. "Chronicles of San Borondón" de Canarias Radio autonomous and directed and presented José Gregorio González, in addition to others such as the one for the web Fanfiction.es governing Joseph V. Bau. And this can only give a few examples. In all, millions of thanks for their support.
But I want to go further. I confess to the new goals that brings the year is approaching and we now envision as a windmill that deal, like a giant unstoppable approaching this humble gentleman of the lance and without any hack, but a greyhound.
Obviously, apart from being pending resolution of the Minotaur Awards, to be published whether through them or I'll have to find a new publisher, there are other goals that I will fulfill and I have thought to begin in the first quarter of next year.
first thing I'm doing some special touches to the first part of the trilogy, "Let there be Light", from which a digital edition will I myself am about to complete and due out by March 2011. This new version will contain parts that I had to delete a request my former publisher because they occupied much space in the paper. In this case, without limitations, and self-published in E-Book, the new correction of this will work with various parties that include the most important battles that occurred in Elereí during the Great War, as well as a comprehensive detail Elúvaí rebellion. In the part of Lemuria also include chapters were left out and that further refinement narrate the famous Wars Lemuria.
All this will I considered if I edit "Let The Light" in two different books, since the extension will far exceed your expectations, I assure you. If so, "The Battle of the Souls" would be a trilogy to a tetralogy, maintaining the original format of the other two books.
Moreover, I have in hand a collection of short stories of terror and mystery is titled "The Padded Room: Stories and Other Insanity" and prolong the writer and friend Miguel Aguerralde, author of "Knight", "Moonlight" and "The Eyes of God", recently published by the Editorial 23 Steps.
And, in conclusion I will try to give a new novel the end of next year and about what I reveal to keep the secret of what actually goes. Just say you will be entitled "The Concubines of Evil" and is a novel based on real events that occurred in the eighteenth century in a French convent.
Anyway, as you see, I present a much moved in 2011, hoping above all that "The Battle of the Souls III - Apocalypse" see the light, either by winning the Minotaur or by other publishers. Then come back round of lectures, presentations, promotions and other paraphernalia that surrounds this world so hard as in the literature.
I want to thank all who read me and I aguantáis every day through Facebook or Twitter my invitations and my antics.
Those who have bought my books and every day you show me your loyalty, following me wherever I am, (to you I owe you more than anyone).
not want to say goodbye without thanking the invaluable help and friendship of three friends this year have marked my life and the ones I have joined some unbreakable ties (in spite of them, sure will not eager to put up with me).
Rayco Cruz, (friend, bookseller, writer and proofreader of my drafts), are great, Ray. Never thank you enough everything that you are helping me improve as a person and as a writer.
Miguel Agueralde, (friend, teacher and writer). You're a shooting star, Miguel. Barely have time to have a coffee together, but you all an example of humility and honesty.
And finally, Javier Falls, (friend, librarian frustrated, Dalmatians and globetrotting trainer in general). What you do for the community will bear fruit one day, and I'll be there to be the first to stand up and applaud. Too bad you could not go to the latest cultural festivals, but I hope next year to comply, if my schedule permits.
The epilogue of this letter I dedicate it to someone very special to me. She is the creator and guilty that I am now engaged to write and edit books. It is my companion, my fiercest critic, my most loyal friend, my love, my life. Delia. Honey, without you, none of this would exist. I love you.
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