Thursday, December 16, 2010

Kidney Stone In Uv Junction


C bout

Harmonizes the NERVE - PROTECTS of fear and anguish


Group: CU Hardness: 2-3 Source Material: Copper.

Colour: red-coppery, reddish-orange.

Locations and found: Peru, Chile, USA, Canada, Scandinavia, Africa.

Beliefs and Myths:
Copper is one of the main metals in human history. Weapons, containers and even money were made of copper. Copper is inseparable from our techno-electronic era. Almost all the electronic facilities are copper. Colleges radiative and curative anti-copper, however, were already known since the Middle Ages.

therapeutic effects on the body:
Copper has great healing qualities of the blood and circulation. Fortalece o sistema imunológico e previne febre, infecções e calafrios. O cobre é um metal forte. que auxilia a mulher durante a menstruação. Harmoniza os centros nervosos do cérebro e auxilia no tratamento de doenças reumáticas da musculatura e das articulações. Também ameniza distúrbios mentais psicossomáticos que. freqüentemente, levam a distúrbios da potência, angústias ou fortes suores noturnos. Além disso, o cobre é um metal muito forte de proteção às radiações da terra e da água.
Pessoas que sofrem de insônia. distúrbios do sono e sensibilidade a mudanças meteorológicas, deveriam usar uma peça de cobre natural no neck or under the mattress.

Suitable for:
Blood, circulation, immune system, fever, infections, chills, bleeding. nerve centers of the brain, rheumatic muscle and joint pain, mental disorders, psychosomatic disorders, anxiety, night sweats, sensitivity to weather changes, earth radiation and water.

therapeutic effects to the psyche:
Copper strengthens the confidence of the user, conveys courage and promotes the power of decision.
People who feel cheated or unsafe should always bring get a nugget of copper.
covers major parts, placed in the home, can bring the whole family aura. Copper cleanses and harmonizes all the chakras. During meditation, the energy penetrates the soul and dissolve blockages. which we now recognize as personal problems and freeing ourselves from them.

Suitable for:

Self-confidence, courage, discretion. harmonization of family, harmonizes all the chakras, cleansing, dissolving blockages, resolve problems

existing forms: crude
Stone, stoned, pendulum, pendant, bead bracelets, rings.

Source: Prevention and healing with stones - Karl Stark-Werner E. Meier
Editora Ltda Robafim. Rio de Janeiro
To learn more about copper and its benefits see:


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