Friday, January 28, 2011

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After many lectures combined with frozen juice came to my throat become very sore. A friend indicate inmediately to know my problem. Pomegranate'll get to you. Soon the good results I started looking disconfirmation, I leave it to my friends.

If you only remember the pomegranate in the New Year in time to save the seeds in your wallet to attract money, you can change your mind. Besides being an ally in the diet, she also fights aging and helps fight cellulite.

According to research from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, contains an amazing antioxidant, ellagic acid, which is responsible for the red color of the seeds. He is so powerful, that is almost two times more free radical that red wine and seven times more than green tea. That is why the pomegranate is excellent ally against aging.

But that's not all she can do for your body. It also helps combat cellulite. Because it has anti-inflammatory action and facilitates the movement alleviating the appearance of "orange peel" on the legs and buttocks. Furthermore, it is able to balance the vaginal flora preventing candidiasis and leaves your body more resistant to urinary infection.

Best of all, it's great for burning fat! She makes a housecleaning in the liver by taking all kinds of toxins, which in turn stimulates the metabolism and thus ends up giving that power in the diet.

In order to feel its benefits is often necessary to ingest the fruit. The recommended is 50 milliliters of concentrated juice, but if you do not find in your town you can even make juice. If you prefer you can also Add the pomegranate seeds in salads and other cold dishes.

The important thing is to add an extra dose of antioxidants and minerals (calcium, iron and potassium) in your diet.

By using the pomegranate as the basis of an experiment in intestinal cells, Fernanda noticed his excellent performance against tumors. "Some substances fruit bar molecules that damage cellular structure, causing cancer," she says. The scientists attribute this mainly to protect a trio of acids: the gallic, ellagic and the protocatequínico. Besides them, there are concentrated doses of anthocyanins - known anticancer substances that moreover, give it a reddish color. This powerful mix already attracted the attention of other scientists from Brazil and various research centers worldwide. "Studies have also associated the pomegranate with decreased risk of prostate cancer," says the engineer food Glaucia Pastore, professor at the University of Campinas, Unicamp. In the U.S., a University of Wisconsin study done in mice with this tumor shows that the extract helps to halt the proliferation of malignant cells.

1. SQUASH - The seeds are stored as real gems in capsules. Fine and aromatic, retain most of the beneficial compounds.

2. MESOCARPOA - the white pulp surrounding the concentrated loads and loads of tannin, a substance with potent astringent. It is not advisable to eat it, since the taste is not pleasant.

3. The BARK - There are two types of pomegranate: a yellowish, from the Middle East and easily found around here, and pink, which started in Canada and is less abundant in Brazilian land. Both are also rich in nutrients.


Further experiments attributed to the pomegranate fruit of greater protection against evil cardiovascular diseases. In this line, one of the most recent findings were published in the journal Atherosclerosis, the European Society of Atherosclerosis, Sweden-based pomegranate helps reduce cholesterol levels. Doctors examined the levels of fat in the blood of 20 volunteers before and after the daily consumption of fruit juice, and thus noticed a significant drop in LDL, the cholesterol fraction associated with the clogging of blood vessels.

The benefits to the breast does not stop there. "There is evidence that gallic acid and ellagic defend the inner wall of blood vessels, which we call the endothelium," says Fernanda Archilla. Ultimately, the pair decreases the likelihood of the dreaded heart attack and stroke.

In another of its investee companies, Fernanda Archilla met with fatty molecules called Punic. "This designation derives from the scientific name of the pomegranate, Punica granatum," he explains. Fatty acids only emphasize the belief that the fruit is even able to give a get-there-heart problems. That's because they are linked to lower rates of cholesterol.

For scientists, the fact that the pomegranate gather so many beneficial substances is not mere coincidence but rather a direct consequence of the adversities of weather your foot faces in native habitat. "As natural areas are almost desert, had to adapt to sudden changes in temperature," said Fernanda Archilla. The antioxidant compounds, in this case would serve to minimize the damage of the variation between the searing heat of the day and the extreme cold of the night. Just as the good fat storage in their seeds. Without that chemistry, germination became difficult and the species simply disappear from the map. Despite so many qualities, it is recommended to overdose on. It is the fruit concentrates some components that may hinder the absorption of nutrients and even cause stomach discomfort.

To circumvent these disorders, valley resort to some tricks. In the preparation of juice, for example, the suggestion is to add water to make it less concentrated. Another way to eat the fruit in small portions is to sprinkle it on salads and use it as an ingredient in sauces, including desserts. "But beware, the components of pomegranates are preserved only if she gets little time in the fire," the nutritionist Cynthia teaches Antonaccio, São Paulo. Indeed, it is clear that the fresh fruit is a great option. "The pomegranate is always very welcome at parties. After all, the time it takes us to separate the seeds and prevents us from eating her attack other caloric delights," jokes the nutritionist Neide Rigo, the state capital.


Originating in the Middle East, the pomegranate came to Brazil in the hands of the Portuguese. The tree, which can reach up to 7 meters, likes hot weather. For this reason did well in several regions of the country. Unfortunately even more apparent in the garden than on cups and dishes. "Many people have never experienced the pomegranate," says the pharmaceutical Fernanda Archilla. Usually the fruiting takes place between September and February. So if you get excited, this is the hora.H


The amount of seeds that accumulate in the pulp of the pomegranate explains why he is symbol of prosperity. In ancient Greece, women used to eat it in religious ceremonies to invoke fertility and abundance. Here in Brazil, the Epiphany, which is celebrated on January 6, there is the habit of sucking a handful of seeds and store the kernels in the portfolio to ensure money throughout the year. In difficult times it is valid. Good luck!

The miraculous pomegranate

If someone is a sore throat, a cut pomegranate in half and boiled in a pint of water. Let cool. Then treat the inflammation with gargling three times a day. The pomegranate can also be used for prevention. We took the seed and let the shell dry. We keep the peel to make tea in a flu season. The whole family is taking this tea and no one gets the flu.

Heal sore throat: dried peel of pomegranate - very good and fast!

Make a tea with dried leaves of the pomegranate.

Do not drink!

Gargle three times a day. The effect is incredibly good. Usually

is improved from one day to another.

With the arrival of our winter ends up being inflamed throat with ease and is not always necessary to make the use of antibiotics or antiflamatórios mainly on their own.
A recipe which surges
great results for a sore throat is tea pomegranate. The pomegranate, whose scientific name is Punica granatum, belongs to the family punicáceas.

Tea made from the leaves of the pomegranate is used in medicine against eye irritation, and tea made from the bark of the pomegranate is used for treatment in the form of gargling, throat infections. This same tea is used in combating helminthiasis.

recipe pomegranate tea for the throat:

Make tea with a pomegranate cut in cross shell and all with two glasses of filtered water. When warm, add one tablespoon tea salt and another of vinegar and gargle three times daily. Repeat the process until complete healing.

pomegranate red and yellow

Two types of pomegranate can be found in the red and yellow CEAGESP. Although both are from the São Francisco Valley, the first is a Canadian variety, while the second is national. Analyzing visually the fruit, it can be seen in the red less seeds, thinner shell and mesocarp (fleshy part between the skin and seeds) larger. Since the yellow has a greater quantity of seeds, has thicker crust and thinner mesocarp. The format of the locules ("pockets" where the seeds are stored) also are different, as can be seen in the photos. In flavor, there seems no difference. From an economic perspective, the variety of red runs about 50 to 60% more than yellow, being aimed at a more affluent audience that frequents the major supermarkets, grocery stores, specialized etc..

The bark of the roots of the pomegranate contains about 0.6 to 0.7% of alkaloids. The most important are the Pelletierine (1) and pseudo-Pelletierine (2).
These alkaloids are responsible for tenífugas properties of the pomegranate. The
Pelletierine is the component responsible for the activity of the root bark of pomegranate against platelmintos3 .
The pericarp of the fruit, which was isolated ellagitannins, is endowed with antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfinges and against the Herpes simplex virus II, responsible for the outbreak of genital herpes.

Proof of these activities provides validity to the popular use of tea pomegranate in the treatment of infections of the mouth and throat.
fruit peels are rich in ellagitannins and gallic acid derivatives, flavonol glycosides, anthocyanins, among other compounds. The seeds of the pomegranate fruit acid was isolated Punic (9-Z ,11-Z ,13-E-octadecatrienoic) (3). Some constituents

encontrados nos frutos

No Oriente Médio, a romã é usada na culinária regional em pratos salgados, no preparo de almôndegas e peixes recheados e em saladas com berinjela. 100 gramas da fruta fornecem 62 kilocalorias, sendo altamente rica em fósforo. O fruto é consumido fresco e o suco feito com as sementes é utilizado na fabricação do xarope granadina, usado em condimentos e licores.

No Irã, a romã é hoje uma das frutas preferidas da população.
Símbolo do amor e da fertilidade por suas numerosas sementes, o culto à romã vem dos rituais pagãos da Antiguidade que continuaram a se propagar mesmo com o advento do cristianismo.

A Pomegranate is one of seven fruits with which the land of Israel was blessed. Among the Jews of Western origin there is the custom of placing the fruit seeds under your pillow in the passage of the Jewish New Year, celebrated in September. This is done to attract good luck, health and money next year.

In Greek mythology, Persephone, daughter of Demeter and goddess of earth and harvest, was taken to hell by Hades, god of the deep. He vowed not to eat anything in captivity, but succumbed to a pomegranate.

ate six seeds. When Hades finally lost Persephone to Demeter, was allowed to stay with her for six months each year because of the seeds. These six months have become winter.
In Iranian mythology, the desired fruit of the pomegranate tree is sacred and not the apple, as in the Christian religion.

Brazilian According to popular belief, the pomegranate also brings luck and prosperity.
is for this reason that sales of the fruit greatly increase the end of each year, mostly in the Northeast. Many Brazilians also believe they will have a new year with luck and money if they put pomegranate seeds in their wallets or parts of the house. Many
for the same reason, they eat seeds from fruit at Christmas and New Year.

According to the Bible, the temple of Solomon, the circumference of the second helm the columns of the portico was decorated with pomegranates 200 put in 2 orders. The prophet Mohammed said
"Eat pomegranate to get rid of envy and hatred."
Both the leaves and flowers are found in the tombs of ancient Egyptians.
In Song of Solomon, the beauty of the face of the beloved is compared to the fruit of the pomegranate, whose color may represent the ideal beauty of that era.


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