about to make "Apocalypse" in the light so everyone can enjoy it, I read many emails asking me why the decision to release it in digital format for free.
Well, only a fool refuses to accept reality, and I have never been as such. I've always tried to be aware of my surroundings and the world we live. And let's be sensible, I will not ever be a best-selling writer, since I am a canary, in addition to English, and I am a humble man on top without mentors or sponsors with power prestige. My novels will never be published by Planeta, Espasa or Plaza and Janes. At best, many small publishers have been contacted to edit the complete saga, even "the concubines of Evil" and that it is unfinished, in fact I'm even starting. Of course, they want to sign exclusivity contracts exploit the rights of my work, and I refuse that.
Once, someone to love you with all my heart told me, Joseph, have a gift. Exploit it and share with the world. Well, why I'm doing. Therefore I offer it free. God did not charge me when I toll the brain, so I have no right to get paid anything for my books. I ask only one thing. Criticadme. Tell me if you like my books or not, and what and what dejarÃais quitarÃais, tell me how to be better writer. That is the only price that I will collect.
Thank you all for your support as well.
A big hug.
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