Thursday, June 24, 2010

How Can I Make Rabbits Water Bottles


O estágio contribui para a costrução de uma nova identidade profissional e para a formação de um terapeuta com amor, ordem e progresso.

Terapeutas profissionais, fotografas amadoras

applying Technical Prof. Decius ..... ARIGATO Sensei

odd prisoners ALWAYS ............

Points Acupressure for common treatments

exhaustion, general fatigue - Governor Vessel 14, 20 and 21 Gallbladder
is possible that the cause is a malfunction of the liver and pancreas and other organs

Arthritis - Bladder 20 and 25, conception vessel 6, Possible excess toxins in the body or a high degree of moisture in the atmosphere. For arthritis pain press and stretch the muscles of the body region where the most intense pain is perceived. Asthma

- tends to develop in people who helped bring alérgicas.Factores:

1 - Air Pollution 2-3-The Weather diets too rich in animal protein, sugar and too much spicy food. 1-Apply

shiatsu neck to the sides. Asthmatic cough has the effect of tightening the muscles in the region
pains and diseases of the lungs and as asthma cause back pain and shoulder 2-Make inward pressure below the rib cage while the patient breathe
3-press over Bladder 12 and 13 Gallbladder Lung 1 and 1 4-Treating asthma through massage
take a napkin and wipe it dry with her long body extremities to the heart that has the effect of improving blood circulation and respiration of the skin and general notices

Headaches -Click on Governor Vessel 36 Stomach 11 and 15 20 and 21 Gallbladder Intestine Bladder 10,13,60 # 4 and # 15 Liver # 3-Make sure your diet is rich in vitamins A and C-Avoid meats, white sugar, refined grains and flours.
"Do not turn to aspirin. Aspirin destroys vitamin C and irritates the stomach wall.
"Pain is a signal caused in your body to warn that there is something in you that is wrong-Locate the source of the problem
Massage - With left hand on the patient and the right to apply shiatsu massage to the neck by pressing the face for five minutes, then massage the head, shoulders and upper back and particularly in the area where the pain
Baldness - Governor Cup # 14 Gallbladder # 20 - This stimulates circulation, relaxes the scalp dermis . Massage the head and face
Press on the Governor Vessel meridian, gall bladder and common colds

- Press bladder # 10, 12, 13 Gallbladder Intestine # 20 # 4 and 11, this will alleviate these pains and symptoms that characterize these conditions - Conditions food - especially sugar and chocolate in - Take vitamin C in their natural forms - Get sun exposure
easy to digest proteins in nature that activate the body's energy so it will be more armed to fight the cold
If you pressure acupressure points in the increasing influx of energy in the body. Sciatica

- Press the Bladder points # 23, 36, 6, 40, 37 and 60 Gallbladder Stomach # 31 and # 36
application of shiatsu do all the painful side

Colitis (colon spasms) Bladder # 18, 19, 21, 25, 27 - Apply shiatsu neck and chest as well as the ampuku delicately pinching the muscles around the navel

Corazon ( attacks, heart attacks) Press # 1 kidney heart lung # 9 # 7 and # 26 Governor cup
Pinch and squeeze the toes

Swallowing (Difficulties of obstruction of the throat) vessel design # 17, # 13 Vaso governor

Fade and unconsciousness - If this is due to a crash or a crisis of hysteria affected person eventually regain consciousness if left alone. Eventually, a slap or a jet of water thrown in his face will revive. If unconsciousness is due to a heart attack or even drowning, should put pressure vessel design # 1. Diarrhea

- Stomach # 34 and 36, Kidney and glass design # 1 # 6 and 12
Apply very light shiatsu on the area will be (lower) and a more energetic on the (top) Make
ampuku general, press the grooves found on the sides of the sacrum.
Diarrhea and vomiting are methods used by the body to get rid of food poisoning or bad estado.La diarrhea can be caused by: • Excess food
• Nervous tension • Anxiety • Obsessive • Colds • The flu and colds
• Zone hara
cold too weak or functional disorders in the lung meridian can also lead to disorders in the large intestine, general weakness of the digestive

dysentery - caused by parasites lodged in the intestines. Diarrhea in serious danger when it comes to babies or very young children because it is very susceptible to dry rapidly all the liquids found in your body. When a victim of diarrhea sure:
• Fasting for at least two days, which will rid your digestive system of toxins
• Offset the loss of fluid through the absorption of various tea infusions which are based especially herbs and sage (tone the stomach and stop diarrhea)
Diarrhea can also be caused by a cooling of the hara (moxibustion). Toothache

- Large Intestine # 4 (to numb the gums) # 10 Stomach # 3 # 5 # 6 # 7 # 36 # 44 # 45 (upper jaw) Lung # 9 # 3 Triple Kidney Function # 21 (Lower jaw) Kidney # 2 and # 3 # 20 Governor Vessel # 20Vaso intestine Small intestine design # 24 # 3 # 18Vesicula biliary
should regularly massage the gums to stimulate the circulation, strengthen the roots of your teeth.
This massage is very good for preventing pyorrhea or gingivitis.El shiatsu neck may be helpful too. Epilepsy

- Press the bladder meridian along the spine as well as Governor Vessel # 14,25,26 Bladder # 60 and walk across the Glass design # 12 and # 1 Kidney
in the tendon Achilles strong pressure - Pinch the toe between your thumb and the index - Make strong pressure on the palms of the hands

stomach cramps - Bladder # 21,22,50 to 3.75 cm on the side of the bladder point # 21 and # 36 Stomach - Make a ampuku the top of the hara as well as under the rib cage
Place your palm over the navel and let make a slow rotation, then also kenbiki

back spasms stomach - Apply a very energetic shiatsu Bladder points and 18 # 17 # 34
Perform Stomach ampuku light. Constipation

- Bladder Vessel design # 6 # 36 # 23,25,32 Stomach Intestine # 4 (this be painful in a state of constipation and point in the neck OHASCHI
is a chronic disease especially in young women. Keratoconus is more dangerous than one might think, more damaging than the diarrhea, because it allows toxins spread through the body and affect other organs. Side effects: Headaches
-Dizziness-Insomnia-marks and imperfections of the skin-cancer, poor blood circulation, colitis, lower back pains, shoulder pains, exhaustion and early burnout. Main causes: Nervous tension
-Stress-mental-disorders in the autonomic nervous system, retention bowel movements, gastrointestinal disorders - sexual dysfunction organs, pregnancy, lack of exercise - stomach cancer, a diet devoid of fiber
"The simple fact of eating too much. If you want to get rid of constipation:
-Start by modifying their diet, should be nourished with raw leafy vegetables and fresh fruits that are understanding the basis of fiber as well as cabbage, apples, brown rice and sprouted grains. "His body should receive plenty of fluids, allowing you to remove debris that fill it. "A useful remedy is to take each morning before breakfast a glass of water mixed with shaking maritime equivalent of soda. -Make a complete fasting releases the intestines of toxins and allows them to stand for "Never take a laxative made from the pharmacy. This may further weaken your body and then worsen constipation.
In regard to running a kenbiki shiatsu along the bladder meridian particular note in the parts where maximum strength. Press
strongly about constipation point located 2.5 cm shi ten point 5 to 7 sec. , 4 or 5 times. Make
ampuku light on the top of the Sahara and other stronger on the bottom.
The descending colon is on the left hand will do must pass a lighter treatment.
"If you suffer from constipation, be applied every morning before you get a ampuku, for this bend your legs to relax will do much more, keep your mouth open all this for 10 or 15 min. Back pain

res - Bladder # 25 from # 26 to 30.36 Y52 and the ten shi - The base of the back, lumbar region supports the Sahara and the weight of the body - should be careful when feeding Do not eat too much, eat only what is necessary. Not walking certain distances results in the weakening of the legs and thus become unable to adequately support the weight back, this is weakened by lack of exercise. At bedtime:
should not sleep on beds too fluffy, which makes the body to bend and compress along the texture of the bed because of this the muscles contract and the blood pools.
Usually the person who draws with refined foods, spongy consistency, enhanced with special sauces, desserts very sweet ending with the various drinks that add the same person sleeping in a bed very sweet, refined and fluffy suffering from back pain
Other causes of low back pain:
Some of these are related to the mechanical-organic-Muscle fatigue Overwork "A sudden movement that produces torque-A too cold - A bone-fracture malfunction an organ. These pains are reflected in the lower back, back, neck and shoulder.
The best way to care for low back pain is to prevent its cause, but whether you are the victim of them make your body move as little as possible. Immobility and rest are best.
If sleep suffers from back pain takes the form of a shrimp, lie on your side and bend the body.
If it hurts the base of the back, it must remain hot, the pads the pockets of hot water all this activates the blood circulation and more effective treatment of shiatsu.

back pain treatment with shiatsu-Locate exact location of pain, "See if this the right or the left-Si is experienced in the surface or deeper
Having established a diagnosis: "Make a rubbing or friction massage and a kenbiki, but not a shiatsu on the opposite side where the pain is felt.
"After this start to press the sore spots of the region-If the pain is accompanied by diarrhea and menstrual cramps apply a
ampuku Some back pain can affect violently in the neck, the location of the point oaschi
No shiatsu should be applied when-broken bone is
-Tuberculosis of the spine-Move a disk-Bone diseases especially if the patient follows a treatment of cortisone or its derivatives Numerous Doctors are of the opinion that surgery is the sole remedy for chronic pain
An operation of the base of the back is a very complicated and dangerous procedure that no one should submit to it
The spinal cord contains nerve branches delicately if mess or damage you run the risk of endangering the power-drive the march - that of stand and you can get to paralyze the lower body
Hence the importance of preventing the pain of the base
back pains menstruation
- Spleen # 6 and 10 and 32 Bladder Stomach # 23 # 26 Y27
This helps avoid stagnation blood is the cause of these pains also ampuku

Migraines - Bladder Stomach # 21 and # 36 - shiatsu massage along the Gallbladder Meridian (start with the points in the neck and then follow the path the meridian to the point # 1 focus its efforts on Gallbladder points # 20 and 21 and # 19
Bladder Migraines on the back (bladder meridian malfunction follow the points located mainly # 23 and 60 and very important point ohashi Governor Vessel and # 14
Migraines are severe headaches that occur regularly and placed his victim in a state of total incapacity
If you have a migraine that affects one side of the head also experienced pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulder on that side
It sometimes happens that the same side of the back will also be affected, apply shiatsu on the neck, shoulder and back on the painful side it will also relieve headaches
If you want to treat migraine must first find out which is the meridian whose malfunction causes pain
If the pain on the front of the head may disorder falling within the stomach and lung meridians - Make shiatsu along these meridians

nasa bleeding them - Pressing on bladder intestine # 20 # 10 Vase # 14
Governor Press firmly on both sides of each toe and then a shiatsu neck

Neuralgia - Nerve pain that comes from inflammation of a nerve root can be anywhere INDICATED
body People whose diet is based acids (yang), animal protein foods are much more likely than other
Those subject to these conditions may be affected by cold as well as mental fatigue
To neuralgia treatment should be applied shiatsu full body, this activates the blood circulation, supplies the nerves and muscles seeks them needed oxygen and ventilation
then FOCUS on the region particularly painful - Apply shiatsu neck also

Eyes - When UD was small her mother probably advised not to rub their eyes with their hands. In fact such a practice may be beneficial for the eyes to naturally condition and encourage them gently rub them with clean hands
Regarding the massage of the eyes. If your eyes burn coat it with a napkin passed through ice water, after a few minutes remove the napkin and made by this slight rubbing of the eye
If you give too much time for reading and experiencing fatigue eyes, relax, letting the gaze is lost in the horizon and look at objects and landscapes as far as possible
not attempt to observe a specific purpose, which is just as tiring, be content with a vague look of objects a few minutes every hour here's a useful exercise to relax your eyes and focus reinforce the view looking in the middle, and then look up and then down very slowly, returning finally to half
eyes in this movement must go further if possible but not forced, to continue with the same eye movement doing this instead of left to right and back then, and finally making diagonal turn (look circular) first in the sense of clockwise and then in reverse
After this make a slight and slow rotation of the neck, then press Bladder # 21, spinning his index finger in Management of the nose, can also make a slight pressure on the orbit of the eye along the bone structure that holds the lid
During these pressures the patient should have their eyes closed
For disorders of vision (eye strain, nearsightedness, farsightedness, etc.) pressures make Bladder # 20 central point of each of the eyebrows, as well as # 4
intestine People suffering from eye or eye fatigue which is chronic, regularly complain pain in the neck, shoulders and back by the pressure points Gallbladder Bladder # 20 # 21 # 14 Baso governor, as well as the point ohashi
Remember that Eastern philosophy says that the eyes are the mirrors of the liver and the latter is in need of vitamin A to function as regular
in your diet Avoid any excess oils, fats and not be greedy

Ears - Press sobreVesícula biliary # 2 and # 17 bladder # 23 and # 52 Triple heater 17 and 21 - Apply shiatsu
general the entire region around the ear
If the question of pain is not organic mechanical buzzing in the ears may find their explained by a problem that affects the kidneys

sinus congestion - In case of obstruction or congestion of nasal passages
click on governor vessel intestine # 14 # 4 and 20 and bladder Stomach # 6 # 20
Stagnation materials in the nose is a sign of a malfunction of the meridians of the lung and intestine (like constipation) can be caused by the abuse of food immediately before retiring.

Torticollis - Torticollis and neck stiffness are sometimes caused by hypertension, accompanied by back pain, dental pain and stress
If you can treat the root cause first, then make a shiatsu neck, back, and a kenbiki in the back, chest and shoulders. Heat can be beneficial. Click to make the neck motions.

vomiting and dizziness - Put pressure on # 4 Liver Intestine Kidney # 3 # 1 The origin of the vomiting can have several causes
"The sickness (malaise due to the motion) very often stimulated by the abuse of drink and food combined with a particularly stomach sencible, or defect of the ear balance mechanism
A damaged power when YOU eat a spoiled food poisons and therefore your body is making efforts to reject them. This is a sign of health. It means your body defends and tries to protect you, and you should sentis happy to vomit. If this fails, try the following remedy. Drink a glass of warm or hot water to be dissolved in 3 teaspoons of salt, then enter the middle finger to the end of the throat or the toothbrush and rub pregnancy
during pregnancy often experience nausea and feeling sick, this is due to new information (he drinks) which is incorporated into your hara and your body is not accustomed
_THE appendicitis appendicitis and kidney stones. If you have some of these the use of safer conditions obviously safer recourse is surgery _The
disease states that are accompanied by fever and chills one more time this is an attempt by your body over to desembarasarse of toxins and mucus eating
_Evite solids. Be content with fruit
chief _In rare cases of vomiting or excessive make kembike treatment in the patient's back along the bladder meridian. Apply also a shiatsu ampuku and body.


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