O Ministério do Trabalho, em 2008, fez uma classificação da alteração Brazilian Occupation. Some therapies
enclosed form and getting classificads Code, but not all.
3221: Technicians in complementary therapies
3221-05 - Technical acupuncture - acupuncturist, Acupuncturist, Technical body in traditional Chinese medicine
3221-10 - Podiatrists - Podiatry
3221-15 Technician - Technician Chiropractic - Chiropractor, Chiropractor , 3221-20
Chiropractor - Massage Therapist - Masseur
3221-25 - Holistic Therapist - Naturopath Therapist alternative therapist naturalist
Brief description
apply manipulative therapy procedures, and energy vibrational treatments for diseases of psycho-neuro-functional, musculoskeletal and energy. Claw treat diseases and deformities through the use of cutting and piercing instruments, topical drugs and splints. To this end, evaluate physiological dysfunction, systemic, and vibrational energy through methods of Oriental medicine and conventional. Recommend to their patients / clients exercise, the use of flower essences and herbal medicines with the objective of restoring the energy balance, physiological and psycho-organic.
The Labor Department recognizes the therapy as a profession isolated by CONCLA (National Commission on Classification) agency responsible for classification of occupations and attached to the Ministry of Labour and IBGE.http: / / www.cnae.ibge.gov. br / pesquisa.asp
A great achievement for the therapist because the profession is beginning to be recognized officially.
The code protects NOT invested in the category of other professional groups.
Hence the need for a minimum training and officially accepts whose current guarantee for full professional membership is a union's jurisdiction, and training courses accredited by the National Federation of therapists until the government created the Federal FEDERAL COUNCIL OF THERAPISTS
• The FENATA includes in its statute, which prevails for the unions affiliated to it, because Law is the largest category STATUS:
Article 2 - They are represented by a labor union that all therapists targeted by therapies recognized by the World Health Organization - WHO (National Commission of the Ministry of Labor Classification - CONCLA, Ministry of Health and included those recognized by FENATA: Acupuncture (systemic, aesthetics facial and body), Alexander, Auriculotherapy, anthroposophy, Ayurveda (Ayurvedic Therapy), Apitherapy, Aromatherapy, Bioenergetics, Cinesoterapeuta, Craniosacral, Chromatherapy, Kun Chi, Do-in, Phytotherapy, Herbal Medicine Chinese eutonist, Aesthetics (Facial Aesthetics and body), Flower (Flower Therapy) geotherapy, Hydrotherapy, Homeopathy, Hypnosis (Therapy Through Hypnosis), Iridology, Indiana (Indiana Therapy), Magnet, manipulation, Massotherapy (manual), Chinese Medicine (Oriental Therapy), Meditation (Therapies Through Meditation), Mio-facial, Moxibustion, Music Therapy, Naturalism (Natural Therapy) Neuropathy, Orthomolecular (Orthomolecular Therapy), Osteopathy, Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics (Psychosomatic Therapies), podiatry, Quantum (Quantum Therapy), Qi Gong, Chiropractic, Dowsing and Radiônioca, Regression, Reflexology (Reflex), Respiration (Respiration Therapy) , Reichian (Reichian Therapy), Rolfer, roleplayers, Rolfing, Shiatsuterapia, Tai Chi Chuan, Touch Therapy (Reiki, Transpersonal ...), Therapy, Hot Springs, Tuina, Shiatsu, Yoga Therapy.
Article 3 - Representation of the professional category includes the categories, with professional registration and the exercise of activities provided for in legislation which regulates the profession of therapist covering professionals, loose, freelance professionals and private employment, and related areas:
a) professional therapist who works with the intellectual training of at least 180 hours in the above areas in Clause 2 No;
b) facilitators, teachers (who teach courses, lectures, workshops), provided that show the minimum of 480 hours training in the sport / specialty in question and / or books published in the areas that will have your content evaluated by team defined by FENATA, according to Article 2 (CRITERIA FOR REGISTRATION OF COURSES - Individual and Legal) of Resolution No. 003 of 28.11.2007 of FENATA;
c) proof of certification with lecturers from schools of therapy or not, and / or books published in the areas concerned;
d) self-taught (since they go through an evaluation the FENATA / SINTERAP / RN for proof of knowledge in specific areas, taking into account) and
) handler - the one who prepares remedies, salves, ointments, teas from simple substances.
Paragraph - takes place within one year to professional framed items dee for training in any specialty of your choice if you want fit into the category specified in item a or b;
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