As part of the project "The Way of the angel" during my recent trip to Poland, I made several interventions and installations in places of memory in that country. Poland I am struck by the sheer intensity with which people are attached to their historical memory and national identity, and how society used to build. Something that Guatemala can learn a lot. As I have said on previous occasions, "The Road Angel has two objectives. The first is to demonstrate the Holocaust Guatemala in the world, when compared with other similar tragedies, as it is quite refused and consequently little known. The second is link through genocides, holocausts and wars in various countries, call for reflection about the atrocities that human beings are capable of doing against their similar. The Angel is the link that leads to informed and aware of these facts and the importance of fighting for any recurrence. This will only happen if collectively remember and learn from our mistakes. / Düring my Recent trip to Poland I did Several interventions and Installations in very significant memory places as part of my project "The Path of the Angel". As I have pointed out before this project has two objectives. First to remember the Guatemalan holocaust in the world by comparing it to other similar tragedies. What happened in Guatemala has been always denied and in consequence is little known. Secondly I seek to call to reflection on atrocities human beings are able to commit against others. I do this by relating genocides, holocausts or wars occurred in different countries. The Angel becomes the link and provoker of a call to be aware of those deeds and of the importance to keep struggling so they do not happen again. This can be achieved only if we remember collectively and learn out of our mistakes. As always, I made these artistic interventions with the greatest respect and sensitivity for what these places evoke and in memory of those who were martyred there. My intention is to contribute to what happened there is not repeated ever again, here in Guatemala, or anywhere else. / As usual I did These artistic interventions with the Greatest Respect and sensitivity for What Those places evoke and in memory of the martyred persons Who Were There. My intention is Contributing to Prevent That Does Not What Happened There again repeat there, or anywhere else in Guatemala.
Memorial concentration camp Plaszow
Plaszow Concentration Camp Memorial
Installation main part of the memorial of Plaszow concentration camps in Krakow. / Installation on the main piece of the Memorial Plaszow concentration camp in Krakow.
Installation in front of the main part of the memorial of the concentration camps Plaszow en Cracovia. / Installation in front of the main piece of the Plaszów Concentration Camp Memorial in Krakow.
Memorial del campo de exterminio de Treblinka
Treblinka Extermination Camp Memorial
Installation the centerpiece of the memorial at Treblinka. / Installation in front of the main piece of the Treblinka Memorial.
NO MORE. Installation in the Treblinka Memorial. / NEVER AGAIN. Installation in the Treblinka Memorial.
Installation all stones 17.000 800.000 representing victims of Nazi genocide who were exterminated in Treblinka. / Installation in the complex of the 800.000 17.000 stones Representing Victims exterminated at Treblinka by the Nazi genocide. Memorial concentration and extermination camps of Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkenau
Auschwitz I and Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camps Memorial
"May this place where the Nazis exterminated one and half million men, women and children, mostly Jews from various countries of Europe, it forever for Humanity, a cry of despair and a warning. " Inscription written en idioma Ladyno en el Memorial de Auschwitz-Birkenau. / "For ever let this place be a cry of despair and a warning to humanity where the Nazis murdered about one million and a half men, women and children, mainly Jews from various countries of Europe". Inscription written in Ladyno language at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial.
1940 - 1945
Acción en la puerta de ingreso al campo de Auschwitz-I concentration under the sign "Work liberates." / Action at the entrance gate of Auschwitz concentration camp-I under the sign "Work Shall Make You Free." Model / Model: Oscar I. Maldonado.
Action the entrance gate to Auschwitz-I under the sign "Work liberates." / Action at the entrance gate of Auschwitz concentration camp-I under the sign "Work Shall Make You Free."
Action the entrance of a gas chamber extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau. / Action at the entrance of a gas chamber at Auschwitz-Birkenau Extermination Camp. Model / Model: Oscar I. Maldonado.
Intervention against remnants of an enclosure where the victims were forced to undress before entering the gas chamber at Auschwitz-Birkenau. / Intervention in front of Remains of a building WHERE Victims Were Forced to disrobe prior Entering the gas chamber. Auschwitz-Birkenau.
plaque in memory of hundreds of thousands of people whose bodies were cremated outdoors in this area and whose ashes descanzando there. / Commemorative stones in memory of Hundreds of Thousands of Victims Whose Bodies Were cremat in open air in this field. Their ashes rest There. Auschwitz-Birkenau.
"In memory of men, women and children who fell victim to Nazi genocide. Here lie the ashes. That Lay your souls in peace. "outdoor crematorium, Auschwitz-Birkenau. / Open air crematorium, Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Installation field used as a repository for ashes victims cremated outdoors. Auschwitz-Birkenau. / Installation in a field Used to deposit ashes of Victims cremat in open air. Auschwitz-Birkenau.
Private Memorial hidden somewhere in Auschwitz. / Private Auschwitz monument hidden somewhere.
Homenaje a private monument somewhere hidden in Auschwitz. / Homage to private hidden somewhere Auschwitz monument.
Installation near flower found. Line-leading, field extermnio Auschwitz-Birkenau. / Installation found next to flower. Main-line at Auschwitz-Birkenau Extermination Camp.
Installation against the "Door of Death." Auschwitz-Birkenau. / Installation in front of "Death's gate" at Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
Installation "Door of Death" of Auschwitz-Birkenau. / Installation in "Death's gate." Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
The long road to liberation memory of the tragic story. / The Long Way Towards liberation of memory of tragic history. Model / Model: Oscar I. Maldonado.
Monday 1o. March 2010 work began to exhume the mass graves in the cemetery La Verbena de la Ciudad de Guatemala. There he hopes to find the remains of at least 889 people disappeared by security forces of the Guatemalan state / On monday March Begun in January 2010 the exhumation of the Remains of persons Who Were Disappeared by Guatemalan state forces. At least 889 persons Are Expected to Be Found There.
The Angel accompanies the onset of exhumation in the first ossuary of 4 meters in diameter and 7 meters deep. / The Angel Witness the exhumation start at the first ossuary 12 feet wide and 21 feet deep.
31/Ene/2010. Thirtieth anniversary of the slaughter of the Embassy of Spain / XXX aniversary of the English Embassy massacre .
On Sunday January 31, 2010 marked the 30th anniversary of one of the most shameful and tragic events of the civil war in Guatemala. In 1980, state security forces of Guatemala, without respecting the immunity of the embassy, \u200b\u200bwas attacked and burned along with the people inside. It was a peaceful takeover of the embassy by a group of farmers from the department of Quiché who wanted to protest the political situation in their region. In fact, killing more than 30 people including farmers, embassy staff and a former Vice President and former Guatemalan foreign minister. Spain broke diplomatic relations with Guatemala for many years because of this event. / On January 31 2010 It Has Been 30 Years Since one of the MOST tragic pity-full and Acts of the Guatemalan internal Happened war. On this day in 1980 the Guatemalan security forces from the English Embassy Attacked state burning alive a lot of People Who Were inside. It Was a pacific occupancy of the embassy by a group of Peasants from the Quiche province to protest Because of the Political Their situation in area. More than 30 people Died in the attack Including the Peasants, Diplomatic personnel and to train Guatemalan Vice President and to become Chancellor. Diplomatic relations with Spain interrupted Guatemala for Many Years Because of this act.
There was a program of activities to commemorate this anniversary, among them gave a press conference at the Plaza Mayor and attended by civil society leaders. / To comemorate this aniversary There Were Several Activities Including a press conference Given by Leaders of the Civilian Society.
A mother and daughter put pictures of missing people during the civil war. / A mother and her daughter put photos of People Who Were Disappeared During The internal war in Guatemala.
July Solórzano Foppa (right) reads a statement commemorating the slaughter and demanding justice. He is accompanied (Iz. Der.) FAMDEGUA Aura Elena Farfán, Rigoberta Menchu \u200b\u200bTum and Gustavo Meoño (Back). / Julio Solorzano Foppa statment reads to commemorating the massacre and Asking for justice. Also in the picture (Left to right) Aura Elena Farfan, FAMDEGUA, Rigoberta Menchu \u200b\u200bTum and Gustavo Meoño (behind).
Tum with a portrait of his father who was burned alive in the slaughter of the Embassy of Spain. / Rigoberta Menchu \u200b\u200bTum with a photo of her father burned alive Who Was in the massacre of the English Embassy.
press conference in front of the National Palace on the day of the thirtieth anniversary of the burning of the Embassy of Spain. / Press conference in front of the National Palace to commemorate the XXX aniversary of the English Embassy massacre.
The Angel cries out for historical memory behind Rigoberta Menchu \u200b\u200band the other participants during the conference. / The Angel shouts out behind historic memory Rigoberta Menchu \u200b\u200band the Other Leaders During The press conference.
10/Dic/2009. EXPLANATION polyptych unveiling of the Human Rights Office of the Archdiocese of Guatemala. / polyptich CLARIFICATION Inauguration of the Catholic Church at the Human Rights Office.
Today December 10, 2009 (International Day of DD.HH.) was unveiled polyptych Clarification , formed by the four angels "at home", the Human Rights Office of the Archdiocese of Guatemala. The same building where we worked on the project Interdiocesan recovery of historical memory (REMHI) and a few feet from where the April 27, 1998, conferecia was given the first release after the murder of Bishop Juan Gerardi. It is one more step in this path that is true. The installed copy es del formato en el que creé estas imágenes. / A copy in the format in which I created the polyptich Clarification was installed today December 10 2009 (International Human Rights day) at the Catholic Church Human Rights Bureau. It will be in the same building where the project of historic memory recovery was done and a few meters away from the place where the first press conference after the assasination of Monsignor Gerardi was given back on April 27 1998. For me this is another acomplishment in this path.
Polyptych Clarification permanently installed at the entrance to the Office of the Archdiocese of Guatemala DD.HH. (ODHAG). / Permanent installation of the polyptich Clarification at the entrance of the Catholic Church in Guatemala Human Rights Bureau.
Nery Rodenas, director of the ODHAG (center) and Daniel Hernández-Salazar, author, during the ceremony unveiling the Clarification polyptych at headquarters in Guatemala City, on December 10, 2009, International Day of DD.HH. / Nery Rodenas (Center) and Daniel Hernandez-Salazar, During The presentation of the polyptich Clarification Catholic Church at the Human Rights Bureau headquarters in Guatemala City today December October 2009 day international on Human Rights.
Juana Mendez heard the explanation given Daniel Hernández-Salazar's work unveiled. Today December 10, Juana Mendez gerardi Bishop Medal for his courage in denouncing the abuse he received from members of the National Civil Police. / Juana Mendez listens to the Explanation Daniel Hernandez-Salazar Gives about historical work. Moore WAS decorated with Bishop Gerardi's medal today for her courage denouncing the torture and rape by her Suffered from Guatemalan Police members.
8-18/Oct/2009. Installation in Gernika, the Basque Country. / Installation in Gernika, Vasque Country.
8 to October 18, 2009 I visited the town of Gernika to participate in the IV International Art and Peace. / Between 8th and 18th October 2009 I visited Gernika to Participate in the IV International Meeting on Art and Peace.
Ahmadul Haque, Alex Carrascosa and Mary Orianguren of Gernika Gogoratuz, organizer, during the opening ceremony. / Members of Gernika Gogoratuz During The inauguration of the semminar.
At the same time, as part of the "Road Angel" looked more realcionados c Mamori on the history of the place. In the case of Gernika to the famous City bombing, which occurred on April 26, 1937 and the English Civil War. As always it happens, quickly find overlap between the historical events that occurred in a country and another. The first and most obia I found was the date of the bombing that coincides with the date on which he was murdered in Guatemala Bishop Juan G Erardi 61 years later. / At the Same time and as part of the "Angel's Path" I Look for places related to the city's memory. For Gernika I Look for places related with the famous bombardment and the English Civil War. Usually Happens As always, historic coincidental facts in one country and Another Appear. In this case the date of the bombardment of Guernica on April 26 is the Same as Bishop Juan Gerardi Assassination 61 years later.

Without going into great detail and overall, I mentioned that I think the general scheme of the conflict that sucite civil war in Spain has similarities with the internal conflict happened in Guatemala. 1) the war in Spain was given after having a democratic period of 8 years during the 2nd. Republic, while in Guatemala's internal armed conflict also occurred after a period of democracy, called "Democratic Spring"., This lasted 10 years between 1944 and 1954. 2) The military uprising against the English Republic was caused and supported by the most reactionary and traditionalist sectors of English society, with the support of the Catholic Church. Something similar happened in Guatemala and in both cases, we used the religious beliefs of individuals to manipulate their minds against the "communists." Recall that in Guatemala, Esquipulas appointed as commanding general of the national liberation movement, and the Archbishop of Time, Rosell and Arellano traveled the country with a replica Guatemala praying to God because "not fall into the clutches of communism" . 3) In Spain III was supported by the German Reich for the army of Francisco Franco. In Guatemala there support and interference of the United States of America who saw their economic and geo-political threat. And so on. The important thing is to see how the stories are similar and repeated across the world. / Without going Into small details with a wide perspective and I want to say I find Similarities in the scheme of the Conflict That Provoked the English civil war and What Happened in Guatemala. 1) The war in Spain after a Democratic Happened Period of 8 years During The "Second Republic". The Armed Conflict in Guatemala after a Democratic Also Happened period (Called "The Guatemalan Democratic Spring"). In the Guatemalan case it lasted 10 years between 1944 and 1954. 2) The military uprising against the English Republic was promoted and supported by the most reactionary and traditional layers of English society with the absolute support of the English Catholic Church. In Guatemala happened something similar. In both cases religious beliefs were used to manipulate the peoples minds against a "communist threat". Lets remember that in Guatemala the ultra conservative Catholic Archibishop Russell-Arellano named the "Lord of Esquipulas" (a very famous image of Christ) Commander of the "National Liberation Movement". Archibishop Rusell toured around the country with a replica of that Christ so people could pray Guatemala would not "fall in the claws of international communism". 3) In the English war General Franco's Army had the support of an international power: the German Third Reich. In Guatemala The United States Administration supported the rebels because the USA saw it's geo-political interests menaced by President Arbenz's democratic regime. I could continue finding more similarities but what is really important is to be aware of how History is the same and tends to repeat all around the World.
16/Nov/2009. Instalación en el Archivo histórico de la Policía Nacional / Installation at the National Police historic archive :
After some time planning it, finally made the temporary installation of the Angel in the historical record of the National Police. The file is a memory of primary importance in Guatemala. / Recently and after a long time of planning the WAS Angel Temporarily installed at the Historic Archive of the National Police. This police file is one of the MOST important memory places in Guatemala.
25/Feb/2009. Intervention in celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Report of the Commission for Historical Esclarecimento Guatemala. / Intervention During The 10th anniversary ceremony of the Guatemala Truth Commission Report.
I always thought that it is essential that the two major works that seek to clarify the atrocities occurred in Guatemala during the 36 years which lasted armed conflict, to join or associate with more strength and better understood. These works are the Guatemala Nunca Más, title of project report REMHI and Memory of Silence title of the report of the Commission for Historical Clarification. Building on the tenth anniversary of the final report of the Commission for Historical Clarification sought the graphic symbols representing each report appeared together. Thus, in the stage set for the memorial is installed to center the image of an angel, flanked by two copies of Glyph Esclarecimento symbol of Memory of Silence. This was the only time to date that both symbols have appeared together. / I allways Have Thought it is essential to unite or associate the two main works shed light upon That Have Committed atrocities DURING the Guatemalan civil war tha. Both works in this way more Can Have Impact and Be Better understood. These works Are Guatemala Never Again title of the Historic Memory report and Memory of Silence title of the Guatemala Truth Comissiona report. That is in this way at the commemoration of the 10th anniversary of conclussion the report of the Truth Comissiona I Proposed the visual symbols of Each One to Appear together. So the Angel Appeared at the center of the scenario Prepare for the ceremony flanked by two Representations of the Clarification Glyph , symbol of Memory of Silence. This Has Been the only time when to Have Appeared Those two symbols together.
Angel image on the stage where they would conduct the ceremony commemorating the tenth anniversary of the report of the committee for Historical Clarification. / Image of the Angel in the scene Where the Truth Commission 10th anniversary ceremony WAS going to take place.
Ministers of various Christian denominations prayed during the ceremony commemorating the tenth anniversary of the completion of the report of the Commission for Historical Clarification in Guatemala. / Christian denominations pray Several Ministers from DURING the 10th anniversary commemoration of the conclusion of the Guatemala Truth Commission report.
Guatemala President Alvaro Colom (right) and Vice President Rafael Espada sing the national anthem during the ceremony commemorating the tenth anniversary of the completion of the report of the Commission for Historical Clarification. / Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom and Vice President Rafael Espada sing the national anthem During The 10th anniversary ceremony of the conclussion of the Truth Report.
Dr. Christian Tomuschat Coordinator the Commission for Historical Clarification, CEH, delivered the manuscript original Memory of Silence, title of the final report of the commission, the President of Guatemala Alvaro Colom. The President in office in 1999, Alvaro Arzu, decided not to receive during the ceremony held at the National Theater after working on this commission. / Doctor Christian Tomuchat former Commissioner of the Guatemala Truth Commission presents to the President of Guatemala Alvaro Colom the original manuscript of Memory of Silence title of the final report of that commission. The Guatemalan President in office in 1999 Alvaro Arzú decided not to receive the final report at the presentation ceremony held at the National Theater.
8-20/Jul/2008. Instalaciones en Bosnia y Herzegovina Installations in Bosnia and Herzegovina:
Installation in the cold room of the morgue of the ICMP (International Commission on Missing Persons) in Tuzla, BiH This morgue holds the remains of more than 4,000 victims, most men, the slaughter of Srebrenica. / I nstallation at the ICMP (International Comissiona on Missing Persons) morgue in Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Installation Potocari Memorial. At the time that the Serbian-Bosnian army committed the slaughter, this building was an abandoned battery factory. / Installation at the Potocari Memorial. When the Serbo-Bosnian army did the massacre building this WAS an abandoned battery factory.
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